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Medicaid Managed Care Oversight Commission

The Commission Shall:

(1) review data on health outcomes of Medicaid managed care members;

2) review current care coordination and case management efforts and make recommendations on expanding care coordination to additional populations with a focus on the social determinants of health;

(3) review and assess the appropriateness of metrics used in the Pay-for-Performance programs;

(4) review the Department's prior authorization and utilization management requirements and recommend adaptations for the Medicaid population;

(5) review managed care performance in meeting diversity contracting goals and the use of funds dedicated to meeting such goals, including, but not limited to, contracting requirements set forth in the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities Act; recommend strategies to increase compliance with diversity contracting goals in collaboration with the Chief Procurement Officer for General Services and the Business Enterprise Council for Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities; and recoup any misappropriated funds for diversity contracting;

(6) review data on the effectiveness of processing to medical providers;

(7) review member access to health care services in the Medicaid Program, including specialty care services;

(8) review value-based and other alternative payment methodologies to make recommendations to enhance program efficiency and improve health outcomes;

(9) review the compliance of all managed care entities in State contracts and recommend reasonable financial penalties for any noncompliance;

(10) produce an annual report detailing the Commission's findings based upon its review of research conducted under this Section, including specific recommendations, if any, and any other information the Commission may deem proper in furtherance of its duties under this Section;

(11) review provider availability and make recommendations to increase providers where needed, including reviewing the regulatory environment and making recommendations for reforms;

(12) review capacity for culturally competent services, including translation services among providers; and

(13) review and recommend changes to the safety-net hospital definition to create different classifications of safety-net hospitals.

Full Description of Function and Legal Authority : 305 ILCS 5/5-30.17 (