Provider Revalidation
Special Update (November 2024): The Federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requires all actively enrolled providers to revalidate or renew their Medicaid provider agreement at least every five years (42 CFR 455.414). Providers were fist informed of the revalidation process via the August 5, 2024, provider notice.
The first revalidation cycle ends, November 30, 2024. If the revalidation is not completed and submitted before the end of your revalidation cycle, you will be disenrolled, creating a break in your enrollment which will impact payments. Reactivation of your enrollment cannot be retroactive in accordance with federal regulations. Questions can be directed to the IMPACT Help Desk by calling, 877.782.5565, option 1, 2 and 1.
Provider Revalidation Town Hall Meetings. Join one of the 2025 monthly sessions for help navigating the process and answers to your questions.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires state Medicaid programs to revalidate all actively enrolled Medicaid providers at least every five years. This requirement is for all Medicaid providers, including FAO, Groups, Individuals, and A-typical providers.
Currently enrolled Medicaid providers will receive two email notifications regarding their Revalidation due date. The first notice will be distributed 90 calendar days prior to the Revalidation Cycle end date and the second notice will be distributed 30 calendar days prior to the Revalidation Cycle end date.
Notices are emailed to the email addresses listed on the Basic Information step of the IMPACT enrollment application. Providers with multiple service locations must revalidate the enrollment of each service location and will receive notification for each service location separately.
Note: Providers should not attempt to revalidate until they receive an email notification.
Termination from the program will result for those providers who fail to revalidate.
How to Revalidate:
Before beginning the revalidation process, providers should:
- Ensure you can access the IMPACT enrollment.
- Ensure you are enrolled for the services they are providing.
- Ensure your NPI on NPPES reflects the correct Taxonomy you are providing and billing services for.
- Ensure that all relevant licenses and certifications are up to date.
- Confirm: Is your contact information up to date?
- Ensure you are using a browser that is supported by IMPACT. These web browsers are:
- Internet Explorer (version 8 and newer)
- Chrome
- Firefox
Step by Step Instructions to Revalidate:
Additional Revalidation Resources