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Amended and Adopted May 12, 2023

Article I — Name and Mandate

Section A

The Medicaid Advisory Committee (MAC) is created to advise the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS), State of Illinois, about health and medical care services under the Medical Assistance Program pursuant to the requirements of 42 CFR 431.12 with respect to policy and planning involved in the provision of Medical Assistance.

Section B

The MAC shall have the opportunity for participation in policy development and program administration, including furthering the participation of recipient members in the agency program pursuant to 42 CFR 431.12(e).

Section C

Vision Statement: It is the vision of the MAC to ensure that populations covered under HFS' Medical Assistance Program have timely access to high quality medical care delivered in a cost-efficient manner that meets their need regardless of race/ethnicity, primary language, geography, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, or other socioeconomic factors.

Article II - Membership

Section A

The MAC and its subcommittees shall consist of up to fifteen (15) regular voting members, with at least five (5) of whom must represent consumers of medical care. A parent of a Medicaid beneficiary can also serve on the MAC as a consumer. All appointments of members shall be made in writing by the Director of HFS. These members shall include representatives of consumer groups or consumers themselves, physicians (at least one of whom shall be Board Certified in a primary care specialty), and other representatives of health professions who are familiar with the healthcare needs, services, and resources available for the population served by HFS.

In addition, one representative each from the Department of Public Health, the Department of Children and Family Services, and the Department of Human Services, as appointed by the Director of HFS in consultation with respective agency heads, will serve as an ex-officio non-voting member.

Additionally, the immediate past chair of the MAC will also serve as an ex-officio voting member of the MAC for 2 years.

Section B

Terms of members shall be staggered. Each term shall be for a period of two (2) years, and members are limited to two (2) consecutive terms or until a successor is appointed in writing by the Director of HFS.

A consumer who is a Medicaid beneficiary may serve for up to three (3) consecutive terms at the request of the Chair and with the approval of the Director of HFS, or until a successor is appointed in writing by the Director of HFS.

Section C

Members of the MAC and duly appointed members of its committees, subcommittees, and task forces shall serve without compensation, except that they may be reimbursed for allowable travel and other approved, necessary expenses in connection with the MAC meetings and business. Such reimbursement shall be consistent with the statutory provisions and with the regulations of the State of Illinois. Operating expenses of the MAC shall be borne by HFS.

All new MAC and subcommittee members are encouraged to attend MAC membership orientation meetings when scheduled.

Section D

If a member misses three consecutive regularly scheduled meetings in one (1) year or does not complete HFS mandatory trainings within one (1) month of written notice, said action will be considered a voluntary resignation, and their membership will be automatically terminated. A member may send a substitute after notifying the Chair in advance of a meeting; the substitute will count towards a quorum and may participate in discussions but will be unable to vote, make, or second a motion.

Article Ill — Officers

Section A

Officers of the MAC shall consist of a Chair and Vice-Chair, who shall be elected by the MAC from among its members.

Section B

The Chair and the Vice-Chair shall be selected in the following manner: MAC members shall appoint a nominating committee of no more than three MAC members no later than September of every odd numbered year. At the last meeting of that year, the nominating committee shall present a slate of candidates for the offices of Chair and Vice-Chair. Names and biographies of those nominated shall be mailed to members at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the election. Additional nominations from the floor will be permitted. The officers will be elected by a simple majority of those present and voting to start their terms at the first meeting in the following calendar year. An officer shall serve until a successor is elected.

Section C

An officer of the MAC shall not be eligible to serve for more than a two-year term in the same office but may continue to serve in that role until a successor is elected. The membership term limits will not apply to any member while serving in the capacity of Chair, Vice-Chair, or immediate past chair.

Section D

The Chair of the MAC shall perform the duties ordinarily ascribed to such office and shall preside at all meetings of the MAC.

Section E

In the event the elected Chair is absent or unable to complete their 2-year term due to illness, disability, relocation outside of Illinois, resignation, or another similar circumstance, the Vice Chair will automatically assume the Chair position for the remaining time in that 2-year term.

If both the elected Chair and the elected Vice Chair are absent or unable to complete their respective 2-year terms due to illness, disability, relocation outside of Illinois, resignation, or another similar circumstance, the Administrator of the Division of Medical Programs or their designee shall serve in the vacant position.

Article IV — Meeting

Section A

Regular meetings of the MAC shall be held at least quarterly, unless suspended by the Director of HFS. Such meetings shall take place at locations, dates, and times specified by the Director of HFS. The MAC and its subcommittee meetings are subject to the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/2).

MAC meetings may be held in person at an HFS, State of Illinois, or another public facility in Chicago or Springfield and/or via electronic options (web-based, video conferencing, and/or telephonic) at the discretion of the Director of HFS.

It shall be the responsibility of HFS to give notice via the HFS website of the location, date, and time of said regular meetings to each member of the MAC at least ten (10) calendar days prior to each of the said meetings

Section B

A special meeting of the MAC may be called to discuss and consider only a special item identified at the time in that notice, provided it complies with the Open Meetings Act, which requires at least a 48-hour advance notice.

Section C

An agenda of business scheduled for deliberation shall be prepared and distributed to the members of the MAC and posted on the HFS Website at least ten (10) calendar days prior to a scheduled or special meeting of the MAC.

Section D

A quorum shall be six (6) members or their designated substitute(s).

Section E

The Chair of the MAC may request MAC members to limit their comments to conform to the posted agenda. The Chair of the MAC has the right to limit public comments to fit the allotted time on the agenda. All deliberations of the MAC and its subcommittees shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order to the extent not inconsistent with these Bylaws. All applicable Federal and State laws and MAC Bylaws take precedence over Robert's Rules, in that order.

Section F

Under the New Business portion of a MAC meeting, any MAC member may add an item to the agenda of a future MAC meeting for discussion and action with approval from a simple majority of MAC members present.

Article V —Subcommittees

Section A

Subcommittee meetings and workgroup meetings should be held quarterly or at the discretion of the Subcommittee chair to satisfy the purpose of its charter. All meetings of the MAC, it’s subcommittees, and/or workgroups created by any of these committees or subcommittees are subject to the Open Meetings Act and must comply with all requirements in these bylaws. 

Section B

The MAC, by a majority vote, is authorized to create a subcommittee or workgroup, with approval from the Director of HFS. Quorum requirements for smaller than six member workgroups would be spelled out at the time of their creation.

Section C

The Chair and members of subcommittees and workgroups shall be appointed by the Chair of the MAC, with a majority vote of the MAC members, and with approval of the Administrator of HFS' Division of Medical Programs, and may include among their membership, individuals who are not members of the MAC. Each subcommittee must have a MAC member serve on the subcommittee and represent the subcommittee or workgroup at MAC meetings. HFS shall assign staff to provide support to the subcommittee and workgroups

Section D

Consistent with terms of recently elected officers, at the second meeting of that calendar year the MAC will review the charge and membership of each subcommittee. The subcommittees previously appointed will expire unless renewed by incoming officers with approval of the MAC.

Article VI — Professional Staff

The Administrator of HFS' Division of Medical Programs or their designee shall serve as the MAC official consultant. The Administrator may designate members of staff to assist in such consultation.

Article VII —Communication Among Chair and Committee or Subcommittee Members

Any communication related to committee or subcommittees business or surveys involving members and officers would need to be channeled through the committee staff, to prevent any violations of the Open Meetings Act.

Article VIII - Amendment to the Bylaws

The Bylaws may be amended by 2/3rd majority of the members present at any regular or special meetings of the MAC if the proposed amendment is distributed in writing at least ten (10) calendar days before said meeting.