Healthcare Transformation Collaboratives

The goal of Healthcare Transformation Collaboratives is to reorient our healthcare delivery system in Illinois around people and communities. There are four major components in the Transformation Plan.
Two rounds of HTC funding have been awarded to the collaboratives below, which have demonstrated innovative visions and equity-focused solutions in support of our goal to reimagine healthcare in Illinois.
FY2022 Round Collaboratives
Expanding access to developmental health providers on the west and southwest sides of Chicago, including addressing the growing mental, emotional, and behavioral health needs of children and adolescents and providing a range of community services for families.
A Improving access to labor and delivery services, as well as mental health services, by making significant improvements to the hospital and partnering with local FQHCs and community-based mental health providers.
Committed to improving the health on the south side of Chicago by addressing maternal healthcare and behavioral health for youth impacted by trauma. Innovative strategies of healthcare access and social conditions will address vulnerable communities that have been historically disinvested and disproportionately harmed by structural racism.
A cross-provider collaborative to transform health outcomes and reduce disparities among older adults on the south side of Chicago by delivering “whole-person” care designed to increase provider capacity specifically for geriatric patients and meet the unique needs of an aging community that is medically underserved and disproportionally poor.
This collaborative will target the health inequities and poor health outcomes that exist in its service area, which includes 18 zip codes in western Cook County, by putting in place a care management model that aims to reach high-risk and rising risk Medicaid customers and uninsured adults.
A community-driven healthcare delivery system to improve chronic care outcomes and increase access to preventive, treatment, and specialty care services. These will include maternal and child health, behavioral health and substance use, food insecurity and other vital components.
FY2021 Round Collaboratives
A proposal to mitigate barriers to care and increase health equity among the communities it serves.
A plan to improve behavioral health and other health outcomes and reduce health care costs by creating an unprecedented continuity of care between hospital and community.
A proposal to affect large scale realignment of the health delivery system and improve the life circumstances of those living in the East St. Louis Metro Area.
A collaborative to increase quality of care for adult Medicaid beneficiaries with behavioral health, substance use disorder, and physical health needs.
Addressing systemic obstacles and technology gaps that individuals and families face in accessing quality health care.
A model approach to care coordination and social determinants of health for men and women released from incarceration returning to Cook County.
A collaborative driven by community input and dedicated to fundamentally advancing health care access and better health outcomes for Chicago’s South Side residents.
A collaboration with an ‘all-in’ approach to improve access to a wide range of healthcare services and improve the health and wellness of individuals and the entire community.
A plan to increase convenient access to culturally responsive healthcare, supporting the unique and changing socio-economic needs of individuals and families.