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July 18, 2007, Meeting Agenda


1 p.m. to 3 p.m.


Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services
Prescott Bloom Building
3rd Floor Videoconference Room
201 South Grand Avenue East
Springfield, Illinois

Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services

7th Floor Videoconference Room

401 South Clinton

Chicago, Illinois

  • Introductions
  • Old Business
    • Approval of March 21, 2007, Meeting Minutes
  • New Business
    • Oral Reports from:
      • HFS
        • Dental Clinic Grant Update (Enclosed) (Dave Spinner)
        • School Preventive Program Implementation
        • Dental Outreach Note Pads
        • Smoking Cessation Note Pad
      • Doral Representatives
        • Dental Provider Enrollment Update
        • HFS/Doral Participant Outreach Initiative Update
        • Doral Dental Provider Recruitment Project
      • IDPH
      • DCFS
      • Chicago Department of Public Health
        • Sealant Program Update (Mary Pat Burgess)
      • Lake County Health Department
      • Illinois Maternal & Child Health
      • University of Illinois Dental School
      • Southern Illinois Dental School
      • Illinois State Dental Society
      • Division of Specialized Care for Children
      • IFLOSS
    • Questions & Answers
    • Scheduled 2007 Dental Policy Meetings:
      • July 18, 2007 - 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
      • November 7, 2007 - 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.