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Membership: Advisory Council BTVSP


The Council shall consist of 9 members: (1) three members appointed by the Governor; (2) two members appointed by the President of the Senate; (3) two members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; (4) one member appointed by The Minority Leader of the Senate; and (5) one member appointed by the Minority Leader of the House.





Appointed By

Dr. Lynette Averill

Minority Leader of the Senate

Mark Boyle


Mickensy Ellis-White


Sen. Michael Hastings

President of the Senate

Rep. Stephanie Kifowit

Speaker of the House of Representatives

Treazure Owens


Sen. Mike Porfiro

President of the Senate

Lt. General Martin R. Steele

Minority Leader of the House

Rep. Lindsey LaPointe

Speaker of the House of Representatives