Maternal and Child Health Primary Care Provider Agreement
Increased reimbursement rates for selected maternal and child health (MCH) services are available to physicians who meet the criteria of, and sign the department's MCH Primary Care Provider Agreement, in addition to being enrolled as a Medical Assistance Provider. Providers must meet the following participation requirements to enroll as a MCH Primary Care Provider:
Maintain hospital admitting privileges
Provide periodic health screenings (EPSDT) and primary pediatric care as needed
Provide obstetrical care and delivery services as appropriate
Perform risk assessment for pregnant women and/or children
Maintain 24-hour telephone coverage for consultation including ensuring that "sick" children and "at-risk" pregnant women are treated as needed, based on a triage of need
Schedule diagnostic consultation and specialty visits as appropriate
Provide adequate equal access to medical care for clients in cooperation with the department or its designated case management entity Communicate with the case management entity
For information about provider enrollment or to receive handbooks for the department's Medical Programs, E-mail Provider Participation Unit.