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Medicaid Community-based Behavioral Health Services

This site contains information related to Behavioral Health services available under the Illinois Medical Assistance Program, as well as general provider enrollment information.

Medicaid Community-based Behavioral Health Services (CBS) are required to be delivered consistent with the requirements in 89 Illinois Administrative Code 140.453 and 140.TableN

Independent Practitioners (IPs) as defined in 89 Illinois Administrative Code 140.452(a)(3), Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs) as defined in 59 Illinois Administrative Code 132 and Behavioral Health Clinics (BHCs) as defined in 89 Illinois Administrative Code 140.499 and 89 Illinois Administrative Code 140.TableO, may deliver MRO-MH and TCM services. IPs may only deliver services indicated as Group A services as outlined in the Community-based Behavioral Services Handbook.

IMPACT Provider Enrollment

Any provider seeking reimbursement for the Medicaid Rehab Option – Mental Health (MRO-MH) services or Targeted Case Management (TCM) services must be enrolled for participation in the Department’s Medical Programs via the web-based Illinois Medicaid Program Advanced Cloud Technology (IMPACT) system. IMPACT system enrollment includes a Provider Type Specialty which must be selected, and at times a provider type subspecialty must also be selected.

Program Approvals

Certain services within the MRO-MH array require program approvals. HFS partners with the Office of Medicaid Innovation to complete program approvals on its behalf. Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs) and Behavioral Health Clinics (BHCs seeking to provide MRO-MH services that require Program Approval, as detailed in 89 Ill. Admin. Code 140.Table N, must indicate this within IMPACT by adding the appropriate Specialty/Subspecialty combinations. Please see the Community-based Behavioral Health Services Handbook for more detailed information on program approvals and the required components.


If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis or you have concerns for their immediate safety, that they may harm themselves or worry that they may require inpatient psychiatric treatment, please contact the CARES line at 1-800-345-9049 to access mobile crisis response services. Services are available 24/7, 365 days a year.


If you need immediate assistance or are experiencing a medical emergency, please contact 911.