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  • Medicaid Provider Alert: Provider revalidation has begun and those not completing the process risk disenrollment.  Check your account now to learn when your revalidation is due. More information here.

The Child Support Cook Central Office at 36 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, is closed.  If in-person assistance is required, please visit one our other regional office locations.  The new Cook Central Office, 115 South LaSalle, will open February 10, 2025. 

CCE/MCCN Initial Award Announcement

The Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) has selected six healthcare networks, four in northeastern Illinois and two in downstate Illinois, for initial award under the Innovations Project Solicitation. The six provider groups were selected based on their demonstrated ability to offer a holistic approach to delivering coordinated care for special populations, including seniors and adults with disabilities. The initial awards are anticipated to extend for a three-year term, with possible extensions based on specific quality, and savings measurements assessed under each model, during the initial term. Each entity will serve 500-1,000 Medicaid clients in the first year, as they establish and test their care coordination models before expanding, in the following years. HFS also plans to work with the other provider organizations not selected in the first round, to explore possible enhancements to the project proposals, and select additional participants over the next year. Please select the following link for more information about the Innovations Project and the initial awards.