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  • Medicaid Provider Alert: Provider revalidation has begun and those not completing the process risk disenrollment.  Check your account now to learn when your revalidation is due. More information here.

Long Term Care

HFS3191The Department of Healthcare and Familiy Services (HFS) is responsible for the Medicaid Long Term Care (LTC) program for approximately 55,000 eligible residents in 738 nursing facilities licensed by the Illinois Department of Public Health. The mission is to ensure that the LTC services for which the department pays are appropriate for and meet the needs of recipients, meet standards of quality, and are in compliance with federal and state regulations.

Payment for long-term nursing home services may be available from the state of Illinois.  If you want the state to pay for your nursing home care, you must:

To learn more, please read the HFS 3191 "Nursing Home Services & Information for Couples" (HFS 3191 English version) (HFS 3191 Spanish version) brochure, which explains in detail the steps you must take to determine eligibility as well as other program information. You may also find the HFS 3419B "Property Liens & Estate Claims" (HFS 3419B English version) (HFS 3419B Spanish version) brochure helpful.

Supportive Living Program (SLP)

The Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) oversees the Supportive Living Program (SLP), which offers individuals age 65 and older, or individuals with physical disabilities, ages 22-64 years old, services to remain in a community setting. The aim of this program is preserving privacy and autonomy while emphasizing health and wellness for people who would otherwise need nursing home care. Supportive Living Program Settings consist of apartments with kitchenettes and private bathrooms while providing services such as intermittent nursing, personal care, medication oversight, meals, housekeeping, laundry, and 24-hour security. Department staff work with SLP providers both before and after opening to ensure compliance with regulations, and are responsible for the SLP waiver monitoring functions.

Pathways to Community Living: Illinois' Money Follows the Person (Pathways)

The Pathways to Community Living program in Illinois was developed under the Money Follows the Person (MFP) federal demonstration project. Authorized by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2006, and extended until September 2016 by the Affordable Care Act, MFP supports state long term care rebalancing by assisting eligible individuals to move from long-term care facilities (nursing homes) and Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (ICF/DD) to community settings.

In Illinois, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services is the lead agency in this initiative, working in partnership with the Department of Human Services, the Department on Aging, and the Illinois Housing Development Authority. Under Money Follows the Person guidelines, the Pathways to Community Living initiative seeks to increase the use of community services and rebalance the state's long term care systems by providing appropriate, person-centered services for individuals interested in transitioning from institutional settings to qualified home and community based settings.