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  • Medicaid Provider Alert: Provider revalidation has begun and those not completing the process risk disenrollment.  Check your account now to learn when your revalidation is due. More information here.

Resident Fact Sheet


Affordable assisted living model administered by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services that offers elderly (65 and older) or persons with physical disabilities (22 and older) Home and Community-Based Services as an alternative to nursing facility placement. The goal of the program is to preserve privacy and autonomy while emphasizing health and wellness for persons who would otherwise need nursing facility care. 

Who Can be a Resident:


The Supportive Living Program (SLP) is open to any resident who:

undergoes pre-admission screening (individuals seeking assistance through the Medical Assistance Program must be found in need of nursing facility level of care according to screening guidelines);

Be assessed to determine if functional risks and needs can be met in the SLP setting;

has income no less than the current maximum allowable amount of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) (SSI amounts for 2024: $943.00 for a single person; $1,415.00 for a couple);

has had a tuberculosis test that indicates the absence of active tuberculosis. The test must be in accordance with the Control of Tuberculosis Code; and

is not participating in any other home and community-based services waiver. 


Residents choose from the following menu of services that are provided by the facility:

1.     intermittent nursing care
2.     social/recreational programming
3.     health promotion and exercise programs
4.     medication oversight
5.     ancillary services
6.     24-hour response/security
7.     personal care
8.     laundry
9.     housekeeping
10.  maintenance
11.  meals and snacks
Providers must also regularly assess each resident's health status and consult with the resident on an ongoing service plan that promotes health and wellness.

Each Medicaid-eligible resident must have income equal to or greater than the current SSI and must contribute all but $90 each month to the provider for lodging, meals and services. The $90 is to be kept by the resident as a personal allowance to use as the resident wishes. When sharing a room, a Medicaid-eligible resident is required to contribute no more than one half of the current SSI rate for a married couple minus the $90 personal allowance.

How Can I Get More Information:

Contact the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, Bureau of Long Term Care, for more information or if you have questions regarding a Supportive Living Program provider .

Phone: 217-782-0545 or 844-528-8444
Fax: 217-557-5061
E-Mail: Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services

Complaint Hotline:

Complaints concerning a supportive living facility may be directed to:

Complaint Hotline 1-844-528-8444 

No individual participating in the Supportive Living Program (SLP) shall be discriminated against because of race, color, religion belief, political affiliation, sex, national origin or disability.

No person shall be improperly excluded from or denied participation in the SLP based solely on the diagnosis of a mental illness if the State’s designated screeners find the individual otherwise eligible and appropriate for services within the Program.  Following completion of this screening, the SLP Providers shall individually assess each eligible applicant in order to determine whether the SLP Provider can meet the person’s needs.  The SLP Providers remain subject to all applicable State and Federal law, including the Americans with disabilities Act and Fair Housing Act.