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Home and Community Based Services Waiver Programs

What is an HCBS Waiver?

A waiver is a program that provides services that allow individuals to remain in their own homes or live in a community setting, instead of in an institution. Illinois has nine HCBS waivers. Each waiver is designed for individuals with similar needs and offers a different set of services.

Who is eligible for a HCBS Waiver?

  •  Individuals must be U.S. citizens or legal aliens and residents of the state of Illinois;
  •  Individuals must meet Medicaid financial eligibility criteria as specified in each waiver;
  •  Individuals must require an institutional level of care as specified in each waiver;
  •  Individuals' service needs must be able to be provided in the waiver at a cost equal to or less than  the cost for institutional care; and
  •  Individuals must meet any other requirements, such as age or diagnosis requirements, specific to  the waiver program.

Current HCBS Waivers

The State currently operates the nine HCBS Waiver Programs listed below.

Children and Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities-Support Waiver

Children and Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities-Residential Waiver

People who are Medically Fragile, Technology Dependent

Persons with Disabilities

Persons with Brain Injury (BI)

Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Persons who are Elderly

Persons with HIV or AIDS

Supportive Living Program


Proposed merger for three Illinois 1915 (c) Waivers

The Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) and the Department of Human Services, Division of Rehabilitation Services (DHS DRS) are working together to merge the following Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waivers into one (1) combined waiver:

  • Persons with Disabilities – IL 0142
  • Persons with HIV/AIDS – IL 0202
  • Persons with Brain Injury – IL 0329

These programs fall under the Home Services Program (HSP).  They are often referred to as DRS’ waivers. Merging the waivers lifts administrative burden and allows its waiver customers access to the same services.

Information regarding the merger is posted on the DHS DRS’ website and can be accessed by clicking on the below link. This information includes a recording of one of the three virtual town hall meetings that took place in March 2024. The purpose of the Town Hall Meetings was to inform HSP customers and providers of the plans to merge the waivers and to seek feedback about the programs being merged into one.

The Department encourages customers and providers to visit this website and the IDHS webpage for informational material related to this process: IDHS: Home Services Program (HSP) (

New Federal Home and Community Based Services Final Rules and Plans for Compliance in all Illinois 1915 (c) Waivers

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued new rules related to home and community based settings. Information regarding Illinois’ efforts to comply with those CMS rules, and a copy of Illinois’ Statewide Transition Plan, can be found at the following link:

Public Comment Notice