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  • Medicaid Provider Alert: Provider revalidation has begun and those not completing the process risk disenrollment.  Check your account now to learn when your revalidation is due. More information here.

Supportive Living Program

Operating Agency

Managed Care Organization

For those persons receiving Medical services through a managed care organization, see the contact information link below 

Eligible Population

Persons ages 22-64 years with a physical disability or persons aged 65 or over. NOTE: A Supportive Living Program (SLP) provider must designate which of these two populations it will serve.

No individual participating in the SLP shall be discriminated against because of race, color, religion belief, political affiliation, sex, national origin or disability.

No person shall be improperly excluded from or denied participation in the SLP based solely on the diagnosis of a mental illness if the State's designated screeners find the individual otherwise eligible and appropriate for services within the Program.  Following completion of this screening, the SLP Providers shall individually assess each eligible applicant in order to determine whether the SLP Provider can meet the person's needs.  The SLP Providers remain subject to all applicable State and Federal law, including the Americans with disabilities Act and Fair Housing Act.

Eligibility Criteria

  • U.S. citizen or legal alien

  • Resident of the State of Illinois

  • Persons age 22-64 who have a physical disability (as determined by the Social Security Administration), or persons age 65 or over

  • Screened by Health Care and Family Services or a designated screening agency, found to be in need of nursing facility level of care and Supportive Living Program is appropriate to meet the person’s needs

  • Be checked against required sex offender websites

  • Documentation of tuberculosis (TB) testing in accordance with the Control of TB Code showing absence of active TB

  • Not a participant in other HCBS waiver programs

  • Income equal to or greater than current maximum allowable amount of Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and must contribute all but $90 each month toward lodging, meals, and services

How to Access Services

Contact a supportive living program (SLP) directly to assist with arranging for required assessments.  A list of operational SLP providers and their contact information is available on the SLF website


Apartment-style housing with the following menu of services:

  • Intermittent nursing services

  • Meals and snacks

  • Medication oversight

  • Personal care

  • Social/recreational programming

  • Health promotion & exercise programming

  • 24-hour response/security staff

  • Emergency call system

  • Laundry

  • Housekeeping

  • Maintenance

  • Well-being check

  • Ancillary services

Managed Care

Persons who have medical services through a Medicaid managed care organization may contact their care coordinator about the need for Supportive Living Program services and for assistance with a referral. 

For specific Health Plan contact information, visit here

* If applying directly to a SLP setting, please tell SLP staff about your managed care, give them the name of your managed care organization and have your identification number available.

Medicaid Agency Contact Information

HFS Bureau of Long-Term Care

Phone:  217-782-0545
844-528-8444 toll free