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Persons who are Elderly | HFS

Illinois Persons who are Elderly waiver

The Persons who are Elderly waiver provides services and individualized support to persons who are elderly.  These services are provided to those who would otherwise require care in a nursing facility.  The Persons who are Elderly waiver is a component of the Community Care Program (CCP) provided through the Illinois Department on Aging (DoA)

  • The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) is the state Medicaid Agency and responsible for administration and oversight of this Home and Community Based Service (HCBS) waiver.
  • The Illinois Department on Aging (DoA) – is the Operating Agency and responsible for the day-to-day operation of the waiver. 

o   Individuals can learn more about the Department of Aging at: Illinois Department on Aging (DoA) website

The Eligible Population for the Elderly waiver includes:

Individuals 60 years of age or older who are at risk of nursing facility placement. Target groups are those who are aged, ages 65 and older, and those who are physically disabled, ages 60 through 64

To be Eligible for the Elderly waiver, you must be:

  • U. S. citizen or legal alien
  • Resident of the State of Illinois
  • Age 60 or older
  • Medicaid eligible
  • Be at risk of nursing facility placement as measured by the Determination of Need (DON) assessment.
  • Estimated cost to the State for home care is less than estimated cost for institutional care.
  • Can be safely maintained in the home or community-based setting with the services provided in the plan of care.


Services and Descriptions :

  • In-home Service (Homemaker)
  • Adult Day Service
  • Emergency Home Response Service
  • Automated Medication Dispenser Service

To see if you are eligible for services:

Contact the Community Care Program: Senior HelpLine ( 1-800-252-8966.  After choosing language, press #4 on your pad.  For deaf and speech-impaired communication over the telephone, dial Illinois Relay at 711.

Office hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 – 5:00 p.m.

To locate programs and services by county or to find a list of providers visit the  Service Locator website.  Customers interested in having a Care Coordinator speak to them about their in-home options should contact the Care Coordination Unit (CCU) in their area from the Service Locator.

For more information about the CCP visit website: Community Care Program - Community Care Program (

Managed Care

Customers who get their HCBS waiver services through an Illinois Medicaid Managed Care Organization (MCO) should contact their care coordinator about the need for in home services and for assistance with a referral.  Contact information for all Illinois Medicaid MCOs can be found here:

If an MCO customer requests a referral directly from the local CCU, please inform the intake person about your enrollment in managed care, give them the name of your MCO and have your identification number available. 

Service Descriptions

  • In Home Service (Homemaker): Provides assistance with household tasks such as cleaning, planning, and preparing meals, doing laundry, shopping and running errands. Homecare aides also assist customers with personal care tasks, such as dressing, bathing, grooming, and following special diets when the customer is unable to complete these tasks on their own. 
  • Adult Day Service: Provides direct care and supervision in a community-based setting for the purpose of providing personal attention, and promoting social, physical and emotional well-being in a structured setting. 
  • Emergency Home Response Service: A 24-hour emergency communication link to assistance outside the home for customers with documented health and safety needs and mobility limitations.
  • Automated Medication Dispenser Service (AMD): A portable, mechanical system that can be programmed to dispense or alert the customer to take non-liquid oral medications through auditory, visual or 

Operating Agency Contact

Illinois Department on Aging
Phone: (800) 252-8966