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Illinois’ Residential Waiver for Children and Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities

The Residential Waiver for Children and Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities provides services to children and young adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities ages 3 through 21 who are at risk of placement in an Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disability (ICF/ID).

  • The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) is the state Medicaid Agency (MA) and responsible for administration and oversight of this Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waiver.
  • The Illinois Department of Human Services – Division of Developmental Disabilities (IDHS-DDD) is the Operating Agency (OA).

Eligible Population for the Residential Waiver for Children and Young Adult with Developmental Disabilities includes:

Individuals with an intellectual or a developmental disability who are ages 3 through 21 who are at risk of placement in an ICF-I/DD.

To be Eligible for the Residential Waiver for Children and Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities, you must be:

  • A U.S. citizen or legal alien;
  • A resident living in the State of Illinois;
  • Age 3 through age 21;
  • Enrolled in Medicaid
    • Family income is waived, but the child's financial resources are considered for Medicaid eligibility;
  • Assessed as eligible for an institutional level of care for persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities;
  • Not in need of 24-hour nursing care;
  • Must be in need of children's residential waiver supports.


  • Adaptive Equipment
  • Assistive Technology
  • Behavior Intervention and Treatment
  • Child's Group Home

To see if you are eligible for services:

  • The Point of Entry for possible services is through an Independent Service Coordination (ISC) Agency:
  • These agencies can be contacted through the Developmental Disabilities Helpline at 1-888-DD-PLANS or at 1-866-376-8446 for TTY.
  • You can also contact your local IDHS-DDD office by using the DHS Office Locator link.
  • You can also call 1-800-843-6154 (#4 on menu) or 1-800-447-6404 for TTY.

Service Descriptions

  • Adaptive Equipment: Includes devices, controls, or appliances that enable customers to perceive, control, access, and/or communicate with the environment in which they live, as well as perform activities of daily living.
  • Assistive Technology:  Includes an item, piece of equipment, or product, whether bought, made, or modified, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve a customer’s functional capabilities.
  • Behavior Intervention and Treatment: Includes ongoing behavioral assessment, functional analysis, development of positive intervention strategies and techniques, participation in individual support plan development, training of family and other workers on the specifics of the customer’s plan and monitoring the effectiveness of the interventions.
  • Child Group Home:  Includes individually tailored supports that assist with the acquisition, retention, or improvement in skills related to living in the community.  Thee supports include skill development, assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs), community inclusion, transportation, and social and leisure skill development that assist the customer to reside in the most integrated setting appropriate to his/her needs.

Operating Agency Contact Information

Division of Developmental Disabilities
Phone: (888) 337-5267