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  • Medicaid Provider Alert: Provider revalidation has begun and those not completing the process risk disenrollment.  Check your account now to learn when your revalidation is due. More information here.

Provider Notice issued 08/05/2024


All Medical Assistance Program Providers          
​Date August 5, 2024
Medicaid Provider Revalidation

This notice is regarding the requirements for Illinois Medicaid provider revalidation. 

The federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires all providers to revalidate or renew their Medicaid provider information at least every five years (42 CFR 455.414).

This requirement was waived during the Public Health Emergency (PHE), but the revalidation process will begin in the upcoming weeks. Additional information will be forthcoming so please watch your email for communications containing the details. 

All providers must complete revalidation in order to be eligible to receive payment for services to Illinois Medicaid customers. If revalidation is not completed before the end of your revalidation cycle, there will be a break in your enrollment thus affecting your payments.       

Providers can take some initial steps to ensure they are ready when notified of their revalidation cycle in the Illinois Medicaid Program Advance Cloud Technology (IMPACT) system.

1.    Log in to IMPACT immediately to ensure you have access to the system:

ü  For added security, the IMPACT system migrated to an enhanced multi-factor authentication process, called OKTA, in March of 2022 (Provider Notice Issued 03/14/2022 (
ü  Verifying your system access in OKTA will expedite the revalidation process.
ü  The procedures are outlined in the IL login migration instructions and can be viewed under IMPACT Sign On at: Presentations and Materials | HFS (


2.    Confirm all contact information in IMPACT is correct:

ü  Notifications will be sent to the email address(es) listed on the Basic Information step of the IMPACT enrollment; no notifications will be mailed. 
ü  Verifying the correct email contact information is entered will ensure important provider communications are not missed.
ü  For providers with multiple locations, each servicing location must revalidate, and a separate notification will be sent for each location.


3.    Ensure you are using a browser that is supported by IMPACT. These web browsers are:

ü  Edge.
ü  Chrome.
ü  Firefox. 


Providers will be notified via email of their revalidation cycle as not all providers will be revalidated at the same time. Once revalidation begins, providers will receive two notifications:

ü  The first notice will be emailed 90 calendar days prior to the revalidation cycle end date.
ü  The second notice will be emailed 30 calendar days prior to the revalidation cycle end date. 


More information on provider revalidation will be distributed in the next few weeks and will be available at IMPACT Home | HFS (

For any additional questions, please email IMPACT staff at or call 1-877-782-5565 to speak to a provider enrollment representative.



Kelly Cunningham, Administrator 
Division of Medical Programs