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Stateholder Committee Members Listing

Pathways to Community Living Stakeholder Committee

Members Organizational Affiliate
Adams, Christopher Consumer
Alcala, Marian People First of Illinois
Baker, Lorrie (Lore) Illinois Supportive Housing Providers Association
Bannister, Edward Coalition of Citizens with Disabilites in Illinois - Bolingbrook Chapter
Cesal, Lisa Illinois Voices 
Chawla, Erika Heartland Health Alliance
Chambers, Cynthia Heartland Health Alliance
Contarino, Cathy IMPACT CIL 
Erinson, Eliz Consumer
Factor, Alan UIC Department of Disability and Human Development
Farmer, Julie Alternatives for the Older Adult, Quad Cities Office
Ford, Ann Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living (INCIL)
Gambach, Jan MHCCI
Gorman, William Statewide Independent Living Council of Illinois
Gunther, Willie (Wilhelmina) Illinois Assistive Technology Program
Hughes, Susan UIC Institute for Health Research & Policy
Irving, Terrance Thresholds 
Jones, Cynthia Counseling Center of Lakeview
Jones, Lucia Northeastern Illinois AAA
Kenny, Vincent Consumer
Klauer, Myrtle Illinois Council on Long Term Care
Lavin, John Age Options
Laxton, Christopher Life Services Network (LSN)
Mercer, Lubertha Healthcare Consortium of Illinois (HCI)
Mitchell, Gloria Consumer
Mitzen, Phyllis Health & Medicine Policy Research Group (Consultant)
Niederer, Margaret  Citizen Action Illinois 
Nirde, Fred Human Services Center
Olszewski, Scott Consumer
Paeth, Joy Area Agency on Aging of SW Illinois
Patrick, Rahnee Access Living CIL and ADAPT
Paulauski, Tony Arc of Illinois
Pick, Eli Post Acute Innovations
Pohlman, Greg Chicago Lighthouse for People Who are Blind or Visually Impaired
Posner, Anne Age Options
Price, Darrell ADAPT and Access Living CIL
Romano, Sheila Illinois Planning Council on Developmental Disability
Sajdak, Lucy Growing Place Empowerment Orgnization
Salazar, Becky Shawnee Alliance for Seniors
Sutton, Chris Area Agency on Aging of SW Illinois
Thomas, Lora National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI Illinois)
Thomas, Joanne Central Illinois AAA
Vaughn, Bonnie Southern Illinois CIL
Wooters, Jeri Soyland Access CIL
Western, Bonnie Consumer
Williams, Tenille Thresholds 
Yeoch, Keon Area Agency on Aging of SW Illinois

State of Illinois Members

Members Agency
Alexander, Sandra IDoA
Baird, Mary DDD
Bennett, Paul UIC
Burson, Katherine DHS DMH
Burke, Dan Governor's Office 
Cunningham, Kelly HFS
Eckert, John IDoA
Harden, Brady Governor's Office 
Hoskin, Reta DHS DDD
Johnson, Neyna IDoA Ombudsman Program
McCurdy, Lora HFS 
McGuire, Mary HFS 
Mordka, Sam IHDA
Pluta, Bill IHDA
Reed, David DHS DRS
Robinsons, Nyle DHS DRS
Schraeder, Cheryl UIC College of Nursing
Smith, Kris DHS DRS
Vaughn, Peter HFS