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Stakeholder Meeting Agenda, November 7, 2012

Pathways to Community Living, Illinois’ Money Follows the Person Demonstration Program

Stakeholder Meeting, November 7, 2012    10 a.m. - Noon


Springfield - 201 South Grand Avenue, East, Bloom Building, 3rd Floor Videoconference Room

Chicago - 401 South Clinton, 7th Floor Large Videoconference Room

Call in Number - 888-494-4032; Participant Code - 806-832-4601#


  • MFP/Pathways Update - Lora McCurdy

    • Distribution of Outreach Material

    • MFP Transitions – Status Report

    • Coordination of MFP – Colbert, Ligas, & State Facility Closures

  • Housing Update - Dan Burke

    • HUD Section 811 Application-Status

    • Utilization of NED Vouchers – Oak Park & Springfield

    • Public Housing Authority Housing Options

    • Update on IHDA Targeting Program

  • What are we learning from MFP - Cheryl Schraeder & Lora McCurdy

  • Colbert Update - Paul Bennett

    • Implementation Plan – Status

    • Feedback – Outreach Material

  • State Agency Updates