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Stakeholder Meeting Agenda April 15, 2014

Pathways to Community Living” MFP Stakeholder Meeting Agenda


April 15, 2014 – 10 a.m. to Noon


Chicago – 401 S. Clinton, 7th Floor Large Video Conference Room

Springfield – 201 S. Grand Bloom Building, 3rd Floor Large Video Conference Room


Phone 888-494-4032,  Code 806-832-4601


  1. 10 a.m. Colbert update & Coordination with MFP, Pam Orr, Colbert lead, Illinois Department on Aging

  2. 10:30 a.m. Housing, Lore Baker, Statewide Housing Coordinator, Governor’s Office

    1. Section 811 Update

  3. 11:00 a.m. MFP Quality of Life Results, Cheryl Schraeder, University of Illinois at Chicago

    1. PowerPoint Presentation (pdf) (html)

    2. Employment and Community Integration

  4. 11:30 a.m. MFP Program Update, Lora McCurdy, MFP/BIP Project Director, Illinois Deptment of Healthcare & Family Services

    1. CY13 Transitions and CY14 projections

    2. MFP Rebalancing Fund Projects

    3. Managed Care/MFP Coordination

    4. BIPP/MFP Coordination

  5. 11:45 a.m. Mental Health/MFP Expansion, Katherine Burson, Director of Rehab, DHS Division of Mental Health

  6.  Discussion, Questions, Comments All