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Child Support Estimator

The Illinois Child Support Estimator is designed to provide an estimate of a child support amount in accordance with the Illinois child support guidelines based on the information you enter. The accuracy of the result is dependent upon the accuracy of the income and deduction amounts you enter.  

We provide this estimator so that you can obtain an estimate of how much child support may be ordered in your case through a series of questions. Complete as much information as possible for both parents.

Child Support Estimator for Parents

Professionals and Attorneys

We provide this estimator for child support professionals or attorneys featuring a streamlined process and enterable data fields not prompted by questions.

Child Support Estimator for Professionals and Attorneys


The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services – Child Support Services assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the child support amount that you see after you enter the information.

Last Revised: 03/04/2024

Please note, the Illinois Child Support Estimator has been updated to reflect 2024 State and Federal income withholding levels and the United States Department of Health and Human Services Federal Poverty Guidelines for a single person living in Illinois for 2024.