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  • Medicaid Provider Alert: Provider revalidation has begun and those not completing the process risk disenrollment.  Check your account now to learn when your revalidation is due. More information here.

CARES Payments Webpage

CARES Funding for Medicaid Providers

This webpage is designed to encompass all information related to the distribution of CARES Act funds (CARES payments) as appropriated by the Illinois General Assembly and enacted by the Governor for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020.  HFS has prepared for the unprecedented distribution of CARES payments as fairly and efficiently as possible, taking care to develop appropriate and accountable funding methodologies for different provider types in full compliance with federal regulations governing the use of CARES payments and requirements.
CARES payments are intended to provide support to Medicaid providers as the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Public Health Emergency continues to unfold. They may be used to offset COVID-19 related costs from March 1 through December 30, 2020, such as hazard pay for direct care workers, personal protective equipment purchases, and other previously unbudgeted expenditures.
A streamlined portal has been created through which providers may apply for CARES payments. All explanatory provider notices and other updates will be posted below. This portal will mitigate risk and provide accountability for entities receiving CARES payments by ensuring compliance with federal mandates.  It will also expedite communications and data gathering, as well as contract execution. 
The CARES portal can be found at
. The portal is open from September 29, 2020 through noon on Saturday October 31, 2020.
HFS will make final funding and policy decisions based on federal and state laws, regulations, and guidance. HFS will consider the amount of COVID-related funding providers are receiving directly from the federal government.
All provider notices and other supporting documents related to the HFS CARES payments will be posted to this webpage. These items will also be posted to the COVID-19 updates and provider notice webpages.
Questions related to the CARES payments can be directed via email to

Supporting Documents

Provider Notices