Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage
Community-based Behavioral Health Services
Welcome to the Behavioral Health Resources web page. This site contains information related to Behavioral Health services available under the Illinois Medicaid program, as well as information regarding Behavioral Health programs for children and youth in the state of Illinois.
Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Initiative
In accordance with the Illinois Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHC) Act, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) is completing the state's plan for the development of the required CCBHC program. HFS will be utilizing a CCBHC Demonstration Planning Grant application to support the development of the program and is anticipating that the application will be released in October 2022.
Additional information about the CCBHC initiative can be found here.
Community Based Behavioral Health Services Frequently Asked Questions
This FAQ document is intended to provide guidance and clarification to Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs), Behavioral Health Clinics (BHCs), and Independent Practitioners (IPs) delivering community-based behavioral health services as outlined in the CBS Provider Handbook. Updates to the FAQ will be posted to the HFS website.
Additional questions may be submitted to HFS at HFS.BHCompliance@illinois.gov.
Community Based Behavioral Services Policy Guidance
Violence Prevention Community Support Team
Violence Prevention Community Support Team (VP-CST) is a new service added to the Community-based Behavioral Health Services array effective May 1, 2022. VP-CST is intended to reduce traumatic stress symptoms and increase community functioning for individuals who have experienced chronic exposure to firearm violence using evidence-informed, trauma-specific interventions and techniques.
Behavioral Health Outcomes Stakeholder Workgroup
Pursuant to 305 ILCS 66/20-10, the Behavioral Health Outcomes Stakeholder Workgroup has been established to help inform the identification of metrics and outcomes for team-based services supporting customers with chronic or complex behavioral health conditions, such as Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) and Community Support Team (CST). This workgroup will advise HFS in the development and implementation of a pay-for-performance model for team-based services. Additional information about the Behavioral Health Outcomes Stakeholder Workgroup can be found here.