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DD Medicaid Waivers
Proposed FY 2008 Rate Sheet
Effective July 1, 2007 (pdf)
Program Name | DHS-DD Code | FY06/07 Base Rate Effective 07/01/2005 | FY08 Base Rate Effective 07/01/2007 | Unit | Max. Type | Maximum/Minimum |
Residential Services | ||||||
CGH - Children's Group Home (New in FY08) | 17D | Varies | Varies | Day | Units | 365(6) Days/FY |
CILA - Individual Rate Model | 60D | Varies | Varies | Day | Units | 365(6) Days/FY |
CILA - Purchase of Service (POS) | 61D | Varies | Varies | Day | Units | 365(6) Days/FY |
POS Hourly CILA | 65H | Varies | Varies | Hour | Dollars | Provider 65H annual allocation. |
Community Living Facility (CLF) 16 and fewer | 67D | Varies | Varies | Day | Units | 365(6) Days/FY |
Adult Home-Based Support Services (A-HBS) | ||||||
Service Facilitation | 55A | $39.04 | $39.04 | Hour | Dollars | Within the individual's monthly maximum. |
Training for Unpaid Caregivers | 55B | N/A | Varies | Event | Dollars | Within the individual's monthly maximum |
Counseling for Unpaid Caregivers | 55C | N/A | $29.82 | Hour | Dollars | Within the individual's monthly maximum |
Personal Support | 55D | Varies | Varies | Hour | Dollars | Within the individual's monthly maximum |
Respite-Out-of-Home (Terminated effective 6/30/07) | 55V | Closed | Closed | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Transportation | 55T | Varies | Varies | Event | Dollars | Actual miles @ $0.37 per mile and a maximum of $500 per month; within the individual's monthly maximum |
Emergency Home Response | 55W | |||||
Level 1 - System Installation | L1 | Varies | $30.00 | Event | Units | No more than once per state FY; within the individuals monthly maximum. |
Level 2 - Monthly Rate for Monitoring | L2 | Varies | $28.00 | Event | Units | No more than once per month per provider per person; within the individual's monthly maximum. |
Nursing - RN | 55N | $31.13 | $31.13 | Hour | Units | 365 Hrs./FY; within the individual's monthly maximum. |
Nursing - LPN | 55P | $28.19 | $28.19 | Hour | Units | 365 Hrs./FY; within the individual's monthly maximum. |
Children's Home-Based Services (C-HBS) | ||||||
Service Facilitation | 55A | N/A | $39.04 | Hour | Dollars | Within the individual's monthly maximum. |
Training for Unpaid Caregivers | 55B | N/A | Varies | Event | Dollars | Within the individual's monthly maximum. |
Counseling for Unpaid Caregivers | 55C | N/A | $29.82 | Hour | Dollars | Within the individual's monthly maximum. |
Personal Support | 55D | N/A | Varies | Hour | Dollars | Within the individual's monthly maximum. |
Individual Service and Support Advocacy (ISSA) | 50D | $39.04 | $39.04 | Hour | Units | 25 Hrs./FY, unless a written extension request is submitted and approved. |
Day Programs | ||||||
Developmental Training - Advance & Reconcile | 31A | $10.14 | $10.14 | Hour | Units | 115 Hrs./month; 1,100 Hrs./FY; any day program combination. |
Developmental Training | 31U | $10.14 | $10.14 | Hour | Units | 115 Hrs./month; 1,100 Hrs./FY; any day program combination. |
Adult Day Care (Rate equal to DOA) | 35U | $8.68 | $8.68 | Hour | Units | 115 Hrs./month; 1,100 Hrs./FY; any day program combination. |
Supported Employment - No Job Coach - Group | 36G | $11.34 | $11.34 | Hour | Units | 115 Hrs./month; 1,100 Hrs./FY; any day program combination. |
Supported Employment - No Job Coach - Individual | 36U | $12.72 | $12.72 | Hour | Units | 115 Hrs./month; 1,100 Hrs./FY; any day program combination. |
At Home Day Program | 37U | $10.14 | $10.14 | Hour | Units | 115 Hrs./month; 1,100 Hrs./FY; any day program combination. |
Supported Employment - Job Coach - Group | 39G | $11.34 | $11.34 | Hour | Units | 115 Hrs./month; 1,100 Hrs./FY; any day program combination. |
Supported Employment - Job Coach - Individual | 39U | $12.72 | $12.72 | Hour | Units | 115 Hrs./month; 1,100 Hrs./FY; any day program combination. |
Therapies | ||||||
Occupational Therapy | 52O | $37.00 | $37.00 | Hour | Units | 26 Hrs./FY unless a written extension request is submitted and approved.(Same as HFS Rate) |
Physical Therapy | 52P | $37.00 | $37.00 | Hour | Units | 26 Hrs./FY unless a written extension request is submitted and approved.(Same as HFS Rate) |
Speech/Communication Therapy | 52S | $37.00 | $37.00 | Hour | Units | 26 Hrs./FY unless a written extension request is submitted and approved.(Same as HFS Rate) |
Behavior Intervention and Treatment | 56U | $58.27 | ||||
Level 1 - Statewide Rate | L1 | N/A | $75.96 | Hour | Units | 66 Hrs. combined levels per state FY. Must be Licensed Psychologist or BCBA. |
Level 2 or no level specified - Statewide Rate | L2 | N/A | $60.76 | Hour | Units | 66 Hrs. combined levels per state FY. Other approved credentials. |
Behavior Counseling - Group | 57G | $9.94 | $9.94 | Hour | Units | 60 Hrs./FY; combined hours for any behavior therapy/counseling. |
Behavior Counseling - Individual | 57U | $29.82 | $29.82 | Hour | Units | 60 Hrs./FY; combined hours for any behavior therapy/counseling. |
Behavior Therapy - Group | 58G | $12.42 | $12.42 | Hour | Units | 60 Hrs./FY; combined hours for any behavior therapy/counseling. |
Behavior Therapy - Individual | 58U | $37.28 | $37.28 | Hour | Units | 60 Hrs./FY; combined hours for any behavior therapy/counseling. |
Transitional Staffing (Phase-Out effective 7/1/07) | 53S | $12.60 | $12.60 | Hour | Units | One-to-one staffing. No new FY08 approvals; remaining previously approved hours may be billed. |
Temporary Intensive Staffing - DT (31A/31U only) | 53D | N/A | $12.60 | Hour | Units | Individually approved hours |
Temporary Intensive Staffing - CILA (60D only) | 53R | N/A | $12.60 | Hour | Units | Individually approved hours |
Crisis Services (Adult-HBS only) | 53C | N/A | Varies | Hour | Units | Individually approved hours;60 consecutive days, not to exeed $2,000 in any single month. Not within monthly max. |
Adaptive Equipment | 53E | Varies | Varies | Event | Dollars | $15,000 over five years for combined 53E, 53H, 53V & 53T. |
Assistive Technology | 53T | Varies | Varies | Event | Dollars | $15,000 over five years for combined 53E, 53H, 53V & 53T. |
Minor Home Accessibility Modifications | 53H | Varies | Varies | Event | Dollars | $5,000/$7,500 maximum per address for permanent modifications to rented/new construction homes. $15,000 over five years for combined 53E, 53H, 53V & 53T. |
Minor Vehicle Accessibility Modifications | 53V | Varies | Varies | Event | Dollars | $15,000 over five years for combined 53E, 53H, 53V & 53T. |
Staff Training | N/A | Varies | Varies | Event | Dollars | Varies by training type for staff working in waiver eligible programs. |
NOTE 1. Prior to receiving any services, the individual(s) and program(s) must be authorized by an award letter issued by the Division Director.
NOTE 2. Prior Division approval, in writing, is required for all staff add-on rates.
NOTE 3. Published Day Program base rates do not include 1:1 staff add-on rates developed to meet individual needs.
Bureau of Community Reimbursement
June 18, 2007