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HFS 3777 Resident Information and Rights Line

Supportive Living Program

Supportive Living Program (SLP) providers offer older people (aged 65 or older) or people with physical disabilities (aged 22 or older) services in the community. The SLP is an alternative to traditional nursing home care, by offering personal care and support services in a residential setting.  Residents can remain independent and participate in decisions that emphasize personal choice, dignity, privacy, and individuality.

As a SLP resident, you are guaranteed certain rights, protections, and, in accordance with state and federal law. 

If a court of law has appointed a legal guardian for you, your guardian may exercise your rights on your behalf.

If you have named an agent under a Durable Power of Attorney for health care, your agent can exercise your rights on your behalf.

The SLP's toll free hotline may be used to file a complaint against a provider, including but not limited to: care, services, abuse, neglect, or exploitation and unexplained death. All complaints are kept confidential and may be made anonymously. This phone number may also be utilized to ask questions about the SLP.

Complaint Line 1-844-528-8444
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Calls will be confidential

Resident's Rights

Each resident in a SLP setting has the right to:

  • Be free from physical, mental, emotional, and social abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
  • All housing and services for which he or she has contracted and paid.
  • Keep your records confidential and provide them only with your consent or in accordance with the law that applies.
  • Have access to your records with 48 hours notice (excluding weekends and holidays).
  • Have his or her privacy respected.
  • Refuse to participate or receive any service or activity, once the potential consequences of refusal have been explained to the resident and a negotiated risk agreement between the resident, his or her designated representative, and the service provider, as long as refusal of others is not affected.
  • Stay in the SLP setting, forgoing recommended or needed services from the SLP provider or available from others.
  • Arrange and receive non-Medicaid services not available from the contracted SLP provider at the resident's expense, so long as the resident does not violate the conditions specified in the resident's contract.
  • Be free of unauthorized restraints.
  • Control his or her time, space, and lifestyle to the extent that the health, safety, and well-being of others are not disturbed.
  • Consume alcohol and use tobacco in accordance with the SLP provider's policy specified in the resident contract and any applicable statutes.
  • Have visitors of his or her choice to the extent that the health, safety, and well-being of others and the provisions of the resident's contract are upheld.
  • Have roommates only by resident's choice.
  • Be treated at all times with courtesy, respect, and full recognition of personal dignity and individuality.
  • Make and act upon decisions (except those decisions delegated to a legal guardian) to the extent that the health, safety, and well-being of others are not endangered by his or her actions.
  • Participate in the development, implementation, and review of his or her service plans.
  • Maintain personal possessions to the extent that the health, safety and well-being of the resident and others is not endangered and the provisions of the resident contract are not violated.
  • Store and prepare food in his or her apartment to the extent that the health, safety, and well-being of the resident and othersis not endangered and the provisions of the contract are not violated.
  • Designate or accept a representative to act on his or her behalf.
  • Not be required to purchase additional services that are not part of the resident's contract; and not be charged for additional services unless prior written notice is given to the resident of the amount of the charge.
  • Be free to file grievances according to the SLP provider's policy and be free from retaliation from the SLP provider.