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Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services Dental Program

A quick reference guide

Covered Services for Children

Children covered by the All Kids Program are eligible for the following services:

Children should see a dentist every 6 months for check-ups, even if they are not having any problems or pain.

Healthy Dental Tips for Babies and Kids

Covered Services for Adults

The Illinois HFS Adult Dental benefit is changing to emergency services only, effective July 1, 2012. The only Adult covered services will be an exam, X-rays, and sedation as long as an extraction is completed on the same day of the services, or within seven days, to allow a patient to receive necessary antibiotic treatment prior to the extraction.

You can also call DentaQuest at 1-888-286-2447 to find out what services are covered.

How can DentaQuest help me?

To find a dentist visit the DentaQuest Web site, or you may call 1-888-286-2447 or TTY 1-800-466-7566.

There may be help for you to get to a dentist for treatment. Please call First Transit at: 1-877-725-0569 to see if you qualify.

What is a Dental Home?

A Dental Home is the dentist office where you go for most of your dental needs. You go back to this dentist office each time you have a dental need. If you have a dental need that this dentist cannot do in the office, he/she will refer you to a specialist who can treat you.

What if I have a dental emergency?

You can see a dentist in the HFS Dental Program for emergencies.
You can call DentaQuest 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-888-286-2447 or TTY 1-800-466-7566 to find a dentist.

Dental Visit Tips:

What are my rights and responsibilities?

You and your child have a right to:

You and your child have the responsibility to:

The State of Illinois works with Doral to give you government dental benefits. Doral now has a new name, DentaQuest. Your dental benefits are the same. Only our name has changed. We will continue to work with you to make sure that you have the best dental care possible.

Who is DentaQuest?

DentaQuest of Illinois, LLC (DentaQuest) works with the State of Illinois. DentaQuest can tell you what dental services are covered and can help you find a dentist. We can also answer any other questions you have about your dental care.

Para ordenar una copia del libro del miembro en espańol, por favor llame o escriba a DentaQuest al:

DentaQuest of Illinois
P.O. Box #2906

Milwaukee, WI 53201-2906
TTY 1-800-466-7566

For more information visit the DentaQuest Web site, or call 1-888-286-2447 or TTY 1-800-466-7566.