Numerical Listing of Forms
* Important Note: If you experience browser difficulties with fillable PDF's, right-click the form link, save the PDF to your device, then fill-out the form outside of your browser.
- HFS 1283 Application for Child Support Services (Title IV-D)
- HFS 1283A Application for Child Support Services (Title IV-D) For A Caretaker Who Is Not the Biological or Legal Parent
- HFS 1283B Custodial Parents' Automatic Deposit Form (pdf)
- HFS 1283N English Child Support Application for a Parent not Living with the Child/ren (pdf)
- HFS 1507 Payment Instruction Sheet (pdf)
- HFS 1517CS Request for Paternity/Child Support Services Forms (pdf)
- HFS 1760 Report on Child Support Terms (pdf)
- HFS 2119 Paternity Affidavit (pdf)
- HFS 2572A SDU Payment Remittance Form (pdf)
- HFS 2789H Request for a Certified Copy of the Administrative Support Order (pdf)
- HFS 3304 E/S Important Disclosure Statement Regarding Legal Representation (pdf)
- HFS 3017 Valid Reasons for Missing A Child Support Services Appointment (pdf)
- HFS 3316 Non-Assistance Program Fact Sheet (pdf)
- HFS 3415 Instructions for Hospitals HOPE (Hospital Opportunity for Paternity Establishment) (pdf)
- HFS 3416 Requesting Child Support Services (pdf)
- HFS 3416B Illinois Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity (pdf) - The tabbing feature on this Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity form might not function properly on certain browsers. Because of this, you might need to click into the next box that you wish to populate or the tabbing feature should function properly if you save the form to your desktop/or file on your computer.
- HFS 3416BI - Illinois Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity (instructions)
- HFS 3416D Illinois Denial of Parentage (pdf)
- HFS 3416D Illinois Denial of Parentage Instructions (pdf)
- HFS 3416E Rescission of Illinois Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity or Rescission of Denial of Parentage (pdf)
- HFS 3416H Request For A Certified Copy Of The Voluntary Acknowledgment Of Paternity and/or Denial of Paternity (pdf)
- HFS 3416LES - Illinois Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity - Oral Explanation (pdf)
- HFS 3692 Consent To Release Confidential Information (pdf)
- HFS 3759 Attestation of Information (pdf)
Listado numerico de formularios
- HFS 1283NS Solicitud Para Servicios de Manutención de Ninos (TÍtulo IV-D) Para el Padre / Madre Que No Vive Con Sus Hijos
- HFS 1283S Solicitud Para Servicios de Manutención de Ninos (TÍtulo IV-D)
- HFS 3017S Razones Justificadas Para No Presentarse A Una Cita Con Sevicios De Manutención De Niños
- HFS 3416BS Reconocimiento Voluntario de Paternidad en Illinois
- HFS 3416DS Negación de Paternidad en Illinois
- HFS 3416ES Anulación del Reconocimiento Voluntario de Paternidad de Illinois o Negación de la Paternidad