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School-Based Health Services Glossary TUV


Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) - Block grant program that replaced Aid to Families with Dependent Children.

Temporary record - A student's temporary record is a very extensive document including any diagnostic special education materials. Access to the record is governed by the Illinois Student Records Act.

Third party liability (TPL) - TPL refers to the legal obligation of certain health-care sources to pay the medical claims of Medicaid beneficiaries before Medicaid pays these claims. Ordinarily, Medicaid pays only after the TPL sources have met their legal obligation to pay. Third parties include: private health insurance, Medicare, employment related health insurance, medical support from noncustodial parents, court judgements or settlements from a liability insurer, State worker's compensation, first party probate estate recoveries, long term care insurance, and other federal programs.

Title XIX of the Social Security Act - Title XIX of the Social Security Act provides for federal grants to the states for medical assistance programs. Originally enacted by the Social Security Amendments of 1965 and Public Law 8997, Title XIX was approved July 30, 1965. Title XIX is popularly known as Medicaid, and is administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Title XXI of the Social Security Act - Title XXI of the Social Security Act created the State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP). The purpose of the law is to assist states in initiating and expanding children's health assistance programs to uninsured, low income children.

Trainably mentally handicapped (TMH) - An eligibility category under IDEA including children whose cognitive development is approximately one-fourth to one-half the average rate and is accompanied by similar delays in adaptive behavior.

Traumatic brain injury - A disability category added for eligibility under IDEA.


Underinsured - Refers to people who have some type of health insurance, such as catastrophic care, but not enough to cover all their health care costs.

Uninsured - People who lack health insurance of any kind.