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  • Medicaid Provider Alert: Provider revalidation has begun and those not completing the process risk disenrollment.  Check your account now to learn when your revalidation is due. More information here.

School-Based Health Services Gossary NOP



Occupational therapy - A service that emphasizes remediation of or compensation for perceptual, sensory, visual-motor, fine-motor, and self-care deficits.

Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-87 - Federal government publication which contains the cost principles for determining allowable costs of programs administered by the states and local governments. It requires that costs be necessary and reasonable and allocable to the Medicaid program to ensure Medicaid does not supplant other allocable programs and only pays for the portion of the service that is appropriate.

Office of the Inspector General - The Illinois General Assembly created the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) within the Department of Healthcare and Family Services in 1994. The OIG is mandated to prevent, detect and eliminate fraud, waste, abuse, misconduct and mismanagement in the programs administered by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services and the Illinois Department of Human Services.

Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) - The federal office that has primary responsibility for administering programs and projects relating to the free appropriate public education of all children, youth, and adults with disabilities, from birth through age 21.

Out-of-pocket expenditures - The portion of medical expenses a patient is responsible for paying.


Payee 1 - Entity designated by a Medicaid provider to receive its fee-for-service payments.

Payee 3 - Entity designated by a Medicaid provider to receive its administrative payments.

Performance standards - Standards that specify how good is good enough and describe at least three levels of student performance.

Permanent record - A brief document upon which essential information is entered and preserved. The contents of the permanent record are specified in the Illinois Student Records Act.

Physical therapy - A service that emphasizes remediation of, or compensation for, mobility, gait, muscle strength, and postural deficits.

Placement - The setting in which the special education service is delivered to the student. It must be derived from the student's IEP.

Pre-existing condition - A medical condition a person develops before applying for a particular health insurance policy that could affect their ability to get coverage.

Premium - An amount paid periodically (usually monthly) to buy health insurance coverage.

Present levels of educational performance - An evaluation and a summary statement which describes the student's current achievement in the areas of need; an IEP required component.

Progress monitoring - A method of monitoring a student's progress that enables the IEP team to discern whether changes need to be made in the IEP.

Protected class - Groups of people that laws specifically protect from discrimination. It includes discrimination because of their age, sex, race, national origin, disability, creed, or religion. Some states and cities protect people against other types of discrimination, such as sexual orientation discrimination.

Provider - Entity enrolled to supply Medicaid services to eligible populations.