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​One point four million people in Illinois who really want to work, can't.

Financially, it doesn't make since for them.

You see, if they were employed, they would lose Medicaid health coverage; and private insurance is almost impossible to get.

This is the reality for people with disabilities.

Meet Anna, she is single with severe diabetes.

Anna couldn't work because no employer would provide health insurance, and she had to keep her income low enough for Medicaid.

But, now, there is a solution for Anna, a state program called Health Benefits for Workers with Disabilities.

Anna can enroll in HBWD and get full healthcare benefits, even working part-time.

If this sounds like someone you know, call eight-hundred, two-two-six, zero-seven-sixty-eight, or visit to learn more about health insurance for working individuals with disabilities.


Move beyond your disability and take control.

Call eight-hundred, two-two-six, zero-seven-sixty-eight, or visit today.