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  • Medicaid Provider Alert: Provider revalidation has begun and those not completing the process risk disenrollment.  Check your account now to learn when your revalidation is due. More information here.

Staying In The System

Reporting Changes

While you are enrolled in Medicaid or other benefits with the state of Illinois, it is important to let the state know if any of your information changes.

You should report any change within 10 days of when the change happened. The kinds of changes that you need to report include:

  • Changes to your name.

  • Changes to the address where you get mail.  The state will send you letters about your benefits, and you will sometimes need to reply to those letters by a certain date or risk losing your benefits.

  • Changes to your phone number.

  • Changes to the number of people in your household.

  • Changes in income for you or anyone in your household.

  • Changes to other health insurance for anyone in your household.

  • Changes in your assets (only for people receiving AABD).

Also contact your medical plan and your Primary Care Provider (PCP) to let them know about any of these changes. They will have their own records to change, so please check with them.

Income Includes

Your household is considered:

  • Your husband or wife,

  • Your child's mother or father

  • Your children and stepchildren under 19 years old

  • Any dependents that you plan to claim on your taxes.


To report a change in your information to the state of Illinois:

Call the DHS helpline at 1-800-843-6154.

You can report a change of address only through the DHS website

Medicaid Redetermination

You will need to renew your Medicaid every year through a process called a redetermination. This means that the State will review your income, household size, and other information on your case to determine if you are still eligible for benefits. The State will try to electronically verify as much of your information as possible, so you may not need to submit any information.  If something cannot be verified electronically, you will be sent a redetermination form to the mailing address on file with a list of what documents to provide.  If you do not return the form with the required documents by the date on the letter, your redetermination may be denied and you will lose your benefits.

If you get medical benefits and also SNAP (food stamps) and/or cash assistance:

Every six months you will get a redetermination letter in the mail from the Department of Human Services (DHS) for all of your benefits, including Medicaid.  The form will be preprinted with the information the state has on file for you.  You must correct any wrong information.  Mark any changes on the form, attach proof of the changes such as new pay stubs or new immigration documents and return it.  Return your form and any supporting information to the Department of Human Services address listed on your letter by the due date shown, even if there are no changes.  To check on your redetermination status, call the DHS helpline at 1-800-843-6154.

If you have only medical benefits:

Once a year, or if your Medicaid coverage group changes, you will get a redetermination form in the mail from the Illinois Medicaid Redetermination Project (IMRP).  The form will be preprinted with the most recent information the State has about you. You must correct any wrong information. Mark any changes on the form, attach proof of the changes, such as new pay stubs or new immigration documents, and return it. The form must be returned to the Illinois Medicaid Redetermination Project (IMRP) by the due date shown, even if there are no changes. If the letter is not completed and returned with any necessary proof, you may lose your medical benefits

The redetermination and the proof documents can be returned in one of three ways:

  • Scan and upload the documents to the secure website Make sure to print and keep a copy of the confirmation page.
  •   Fax the documents to 1-866-661-7025 and keep a copy of the fax confirmation
  •   Mail documents with the redetermination form to: Illinois Redetermination Project, PO Box 1242, Chicago, IL 60690

If you only have Medicaid, DO NOT take your information to the local DHS office. Make sure to write your name and case number on all documents faxed, uploaded or mailed. Do not send original documents when mailing the materials.

If you have questions about your Medicaid only redetermination, or want to check on the status of your redetermination, call: 1-866-255-5437.

Once your redetermination has been processed, you will get a letter telling you if you are still eligible.  If approved, it tells you about your benefits. If you are no longer eligible, it tells you why.

What happens if I'm no longer eligible for Medicaid?

 You may qualify for financial assistance to help you afford coverage on the Health Insurance Marketplace.

Since you are losing your health coverage, you qualify for a 60 day Special Enrollment Period to sign up for health coverage on the Health Insurance Marketplace.

If you do not sign up for health coverage on the Health Insurance Marketplace within the 60 day Special Enrollment period, you will have to wait for the Annual Open Enrollment, unless you qualify under a different Special Enrollment Period.

Coverage Options

For more information about health coverage options through the Health Insurance Marketplace visit: and click on "Explore your health coverage options" or call:  1-866-311-1119