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MCO Enrollment Sample Letter




Dear Jane Q. Public:

Welcome to HealthChoice Illinois — your way to quality Medicaid care!


HealthChoice Illinois is your way to make smart Medicaid choices. In HealthChoice Illinois, you must be enrolled in a health plan and have a primary care provider (PCP).

A health plan is the group of doctors, hospitals and other providers who work together to give you the healthcare and care coordination you need. A PCP is the doctor or clinic you go to when you are sick or need a checkup. You must use doctors in your health plan’s network. If you have a PCP or specialist you want to keep using, check what health plans they accept.

Choose the HealthChoice Illinois health plan and PCP that are best for you


You must choose a health plan and PCP for each person listed here before July 3, 2023:


Jane Q. Public

Date of birth: June 1, 1995

ID#: 123456789

John Q. Public

Date of birth: December 5, 1997

ID#: 234567890

You can choose from these health plans:

HealthChoice Illinois health plans

Toll-free number

Plan A


Plan B


Plan C


Plan D


The health plans you can choose from may have changed since we mailed this letter.

For a current list of health plans, go to Select “Choose” and “Compare Plans.” Then select “HealthChoice Illinois” and your county to view your choices. To learn more about a specific health plan, call the health plan’s toll-free number. All calls are free.

You can choose the same health plan for all family members. Or you can choose a different health plan for each family member. For information about the plans, read Your HealthChoice Illinois Plan Choices, the

HealthChoice Illinois Plan Report Card, and Choosing a HealthChoice Illinois Plan (on the back of the report card) that came with this letter.

To enroll in a health plan

After you choose a health plan and PCP, there are two ways to enroll:

  • Go to and select “Enroll,” or
  • Call Client Enrollment Services at 1-877-912-8880 (TTY: 1-866-565-8576). Call Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. The call is free.

You know your health needs best, so go online or call us today to enroll!

What if I do not choose by July 3, 2023?

  • If you do not choose a health plan and PCP by July 3, 2023, we will choose for you. We will enroll your family members with the health plans and PCPs listed below.



Start date

Health plan


PCP location

Jane Q. Public

ID# 123456789


August 1, 2023

Plan A


Joe Clark


321 Park Road

Anytown, IL 60601

John Q. Public

ID# 234567890


August 1, 2023

Plan A


Joe Clark


321 Park Road

Anytown, IL 60601

These PCPs may change before your enrollment starts.

After your enrollment starts

After your enrollment starts, your health plan will mail you a welcome packet and ID card. You will use your member ID card to get healthcare services. If you have questions, call your health plan’s member services number. This number is on your member ID card and in the member handbook. You can change your HealthChoice Illinois plan one time in the first 90 days after your enrollment start date. After that you may only change your health plan one time each year during “open enrollment.”

To change your health plan, call us at 1-877-912-8880 (TTY: 1-866-565-8576). Or go to:

To choose a different PCP, contact your health plan after your enrollment starts.


What if I need a doctor right away?

  • If you don’t have a health plan or primary care provider and you need a doctor right away, the Health Benefits Hotline can help. Call 1-800-226-0768 (TTY: 1-877-204-1012).


Thank you,
Illinois Client Enrollment Services