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Illinois Healthcare Portal: Women's Health

Improving Women’s Health: An HFS Commitment

Women often face a range of unique healthcare challenges and opportunities, such as family planning needs, pregnancy and breast and cervical cancer. Improving women's health and promoting equity are key priorities for the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services.

Healthcare Coverage

The first step to leading a healthy life is making sure you have quality healthcare coverage. To find out whether you are eligible for Medicaid or other available coverage, visit the ABE Eligibility Website. There you will be able to learn about and apply for healthcare benefits, as well as food and cash assistance.

If you become enrolled in the Illinois Medicaid program, you will learn about a range of options to help you and your family stay healthy and find solutions to your healthcare needs. For most customers, this care will be offered through a HealthChoice Illinois health plan.

Pregnant Women and New Mothers

Quality care before and after birth is critical for the health of mothers and babies.

Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility (MPE) is a program for pregnant women that offers immediate, temporary coverage for outpatient health services to pregnant women who meet income requirements. There are no co-payments or premium requirements in MPE. For more information, call the All Kids Hotline 1-866-ALL-KIDS (1-866-255-5437) (TTY 1-877-204-1012) or visit the All Kids Web site.

Illinois is the first state in the nation to offer full Medicaid benefits to individuals for 12 months after a pregnancy ends. The state is committed to improving health outcomes and addressing health disparities during the 12-month postpartum period. Check with your HealthChoice Illinois health plan for details. 

Family Planning Coverage

HFS is committed to ensuring access to high quality, evidence-based family planning services for women and men by providing comprehensive and continuous coverage. HFS supports everyone’s right to make informed and voluntary decisions about sexuality and reproduction in order to lead a fulfilling and healthy life. Illinois Medicaid covers annual exams, family planning counseling, all FDA-approved contraceptives, including long-acting reversible contraceptives (i.e. IUD and implant) and permanent forms of birth control (i.e. tubal ligation or vasectomy). Check with your HealthChoice Illinois health plan for details.

Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program

The Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program offers free mammograms, breast exams, pelvic exams and Pap smear tests to eligible women. Even if a woman has already been diagnosed with cancer, she may receive free treatment if she qualifies. Learn more at the Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Website or call the Women’s Health-Line toll free at 888-522-1282 (800-547-0466 TTY).

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