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  • Medicaid Provider Alert: Provider revalidation has begun and those not completing the process risk disenrollment.  Check your account now to learn when your revalidation is due. More information here.

Our Medicaid Commitment to Family Planning

Illinois Contraceptive Equity Summit
Julie Hamos, Director
August 20, 2014

Medicaid and Pregnancy

Total Medicaid enrollment as of 7/1/14: 3,070,432

Governor Quinn on Hobby Lobby Decision

“Healthcare is a human right, and the Affordable Care Act is meant to give all Americans access to decent, affordable healthcare. That means full access to healthcare for every woman in America, regardless of who they are or where they work.

“A woman’s personal health decisions should stay strictly between her and her doctor. Unfortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision takes these choices from a woman and gives them to her employer.

“We will continue to fight to preserve the right of Illinois women to make their own healthcare decisions based on their own beliefs, not the beliefs of the person signing their paycheck.”     


IL Family Planning Action Plan

Today we are announcing the

Illinois Family Planning Action Plan – IFPAP

Our goal:

Increase access to family planning services for women and men in the Medicaid Program by providing comprehensive and continuous coverage to ensure that every pregnancy is a planned pregnancy.

Actions To Accomplish Goal

Medicaid Family Planning Policy

LARC Policy in Colorado

Action #1: Changes in HFS Rates & Operational Policies

Action #2: Providers to Make Family Planning Accessible

Medicaid Vision Aligned with ACA

Illinois State Mandate

Why Medicaid Redesign Is Needed

Care Coordination Roll-Out Plan

Illinois’ Unique Structure

What the New World Means for Family Planning Providers

Illinois Healthy Women Family Planning Waiver

Health Coverage Now Available

  • ·         Women with no dependent children and with income up to $16,104 (single) or $21,707 (family of 2) qualify for Medicaid
    • ·   Women who previously qualified for IHW – income under $23,340 (single) or $31,460 (family of 2) – can now buy private health insurance through the Marketplace, with tax subsidies
  • ·         For example, a woman earning $23,340 will pay at most $125 per month on premiums for Silver Plan coverage – or 6.4% of her income

Join Us As Partners

  • Review Illinois Family Planning Action Plan and offer feedback/comments

  • Help develop strategies to educate all family planning providers about new policies

  • Help develop strategies to educate women and men in Medicaid so they can take advantage of family planning services

  • Educate women not eligible for Medicaid, but were in IHW Waiver, to apply for health insurance during open enrollment periods