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  • Medicaid Provider Alert: Provider revalidation has begun and those not completing the process risk disenrollment.  Check your account now to learn when your revalidation is due. More information here.

Illinois Child Support

To learn more about how Family Resource Connections can assist you, email us at or call 800.447.4278.  

We are motivated to reimagine services by applying innovative approaches, personalized solutions, and an unwavering commitment to better outcomes.  Below, please find some of our more recent achievements to better serve you!   

  • Fair and Equitable Child Support Payments:  We made it more fair in determining child support by moving to an income shares model.  Income shares considers income, parenting time, and other factors in the calculation of child support amounts.
  • Interest on Past-Due Payments:  We removed past due interest when enforcing case balances and now allow the parent to decide whether to pursue calculated interest.  
  • No Credit Reporting:  We no longer report child support debt to credit bureaus, this eliminates additional difficulties for parents seeking better employment or securing more stable housing.
  • Full Family Disbursement of Child Support (Pass-Through):   Previously, when a family was receiving cash assistance, the state would keep any child support payment received as reimbursement of the assistance provided.  Now, the state will no longer keep any payment collected, it will be paid (pass-through) to the family and the child.