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Home Health Claims with Dates of Service on or After 7/1/14 Temporarily Held

HFS System Issue:

Home Health Claims with dates of service on or after 07/01/14 will be temporarily held while programming changes are made.


As a result of a change in statute, rates for certain home health services are increasing effective 07/01/14. The fee schedule can be viewed at:

To avoid underpayments to providers, a hold has been placed on all Home Health Services claims to allow for programming changes.

In addition, as of July 1, 2014, the SMART Act 2.7% reimbursement rate reduction no longer applies to: intermittent home health visits, and to hourly shift services provided by a CNA.

Providers Impacted:

Home Health Agencies, Home Nursing Agencies, Certified Health Departments

Procedure Codes Impacted:

G0151, G0152, G0153, G0154, and G0156

Problem Begin Date:

Claims with dates of service on or after 07/01/14

Problem Fix Date:

August 25, 2014

Resolution for Impacted Claims:

Claims have been released.