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  • Medicaid Provider Alert: Provider revalidation has begun and those not completing the process risk disenrollment.  Check your account now to learn when your revalidation is due. More information here.

Provider Notice issued 08/28/2024


All Medical Assistance Program Providers
​Date August 28, 2024
September 3 Launch: Revalidation in the IMPACT Provider Enrollment System

This notice serves as a reminder that HFS will soon be re-launching Medicaid provider revalidation in the IMPACT Enrollment System. Revalidation notices will be sent in rolling stages beginning September 3, 2024. The Federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires all actively enrolled providers to revalidate or renew their Medicaid provider agreement at least every five years (42 CFR 455.414).

Information and Support:

When the revalidation cycle starts, materials will be emailed to providers. It is the provider’s responsibility to ensure all information contained in the IMPACT system is up-to-date and accurate.

Step by step instructions and a Frequently Asked Questions document are available on our website at Provider Revalidation ( If providers need further assistance in completing revalidation, Provider Enrollment call center staff are available Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 5:00 p.m. at 877-782-5565.

HFS will also be holding three upcoming virtual information sessions to walk providers through the process and answer questions.

For additional resources and to login to your IMPACT account please visit IMPACT Home | HFS (



Providers were first informed of the upcoming revalidation process via provider notice dated August 5, 2024. The first round of provider notifications will be distributed beginning September 3, 2024, and remaining notifications will be distributed periodically according to the revalidation cycle dates in IMPACT. Providers will receive two notifications, with the first being distributed 90 calendar days prior to the Revalidation Cycle end date, and the second being distributed 30 calendar days prior to the Revalidation Cycle end date. All providers will be able to see their projected revalidation due date on the basic information page of their enrollment beginning August 21, 2024. Providers cannot submit revalidations prior to their revalidation cycle.

Notices will be sent to the email address(es) listed on the basic information page of the IMPACT enrollment. Providers must ensure that all contact information listed in IMPACT is up to date. Maintaining your contact information will ensure revalidation notices and other important provider communications are not missed. Note that providers with multiple service locations must revalidate the enrollment of each service location. They will receive notification for each service location separately. 

High and Moderate Risk providers will be required to complete all additional screening requirements, which may include submission of fingerprints and completion of an onsite review as required by 42 CFR 455.432. High and Moderate Risk providers are reminded that a staff member the Office of the Inspector General may be contacting you to schedule the required virtual or in-person onsite visit.

All providers must complete revalidation to be eligible to receive payment for services to Illinois Medicaid customers. If revalidation is not completed before the end of your revalidation cycle, you will be disenrolled, creating a break in your enrollment which will impact payments. Reactivation of your enrollment cannot be retroactive in accordance with federal regulations.

Having the following items in order prior to revalidating will expedite the review of your revalidation.

Licensures or certifications, as needed:

You should ensure that all relevant licensure and certifications are up to date, if applicable. The IMPACT system verifies the following licenses and certifications:

Illinois Professional Licenses

Out of State Medical Licenses

American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS)

Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)

American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics 

Behavior Analyst Certification 

Deaf/Hard of Hearing Commission License

Medicare Certification

Board of Optician/Contact Lens Certification

Federal Aviation Administration Certification (More information may need to be included regarding licenses and certifications)


As needed or relevant, IMPACT also verifies the following information:

Criminal History Background Check

Drug Enforcement Agency Number


Vital Statistics

Provider Basic Information

Driver's License/State ID                               

Vehicle Plate Number

Vehicle Identification Number

Safety Training Certificate


When did you last log into IMPACT?

If you have not logged into IMPACT since March 2022, you will need to migrate your account through the Okta multi-factor verification process. Please follow the step-by-step instructions in the Account Activation Instructions for Existing Users at Presentations and Materials | HFS (

Effective September 23, 2024, any modification/revalidation that has not been submitted within 7 days of being started will be purged from the IMPACT system. This will result in starting the modification process over.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter. For any additional questions, please call 1-877-782-5565 to speak to an enrollment representative.


Kelly Cunningham, Administrator
Division of Medical Programs