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Application For Child Support Services (Title IV-D)

Complete the on-line application for free child support services if you live in Illinois and the dependent child(ren) lives with you. Online Child Support Application

The form is written in English only. If you require the form to be written in Spanish, download and fill out the application, print, and mail it to our office.

Esta forma es escrita en inglés solamente. Si necesita que la forma sea en Espa​ñol, bajar y llenar la solicitud, imprimir y enviarla por correo a nuestra oficina.

NOTE: If you are applying for free child support services, and you live in Illinois, and the dependent child(ren) does NOT live with you, please complete the following application form:
HFS 1283N English Child Support Application for a Parent not Living with the Child/ren (pdf) OR
HFS 1283NS Solicitud Para Servicios de Manutención de Ninos (TÍtulo IV-D) Para el Padre / Madre Que No Vive Con Sus Hijos

  • Complete the online form below. Once you begin the process of filling out the application, you cannot save the document and go back later to finish. If you close the document before selecting the submit button, all information you entered will be lost.
  • Any information that you do not know, please enter “don't know” in the blank.
  • Read the Child Support Program Fact Sheet. It explains the services we provide.

Please make sure you have the following information available before completing this application:

  • Applicant's Information (including Social Security Number)
  • Other Parent's Information (if known, Address, Date of Birth, Social Security Number, Employer, etc)
  • Child's Information (including Date of Birth, Social Security Number)
  • Other Important Information (If you were married-Date of Divorce, State/County & Docket Number)

For every Non-Custodial Parent (NCP), you must fill out a separate application

If you are NOT the biological or legal parent of the child, complete the application HFS 1283A
Application for Child Support Services (Title IV-D) For A Caretaker Who Is Not the Biological or Legal Parent
, or call 1-800-447-4278 for a different application.

Application for Child Support Services (Title IV-D)

* indicates required field

Applicant's Information:

Use this on-line application only if your county is listed in the selection box.

Other Parent's Information:

Child's Information:

Other Important Information:

All information you provide is kept confidential but we understand that domestic violence may also be an issue for you or your family. For your protection, we can mark your case with a Family Violence Indicator.

IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ! By selecting the Submit button, you are signing this Agreement electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this Agreement. By selecting Submit you consent to be legally bound by this Agreement's terms and conditions.

I understand the Division will protect my privacy as required by law, and I authorize the Division to disclose information about my case to the courtor another party necessary in the course of establishing and enforcing, paternity and child support orders, for as long as I am a client.

I authorize the Division of Child Support Services to explore, pursue or utilize all sources of information legally available in support of its investigations on my behalf and to choose the appropriate course of legal action. I have received and read the program fact sheet provided at hfs/SiteCollectionDocuments/hfs3316.pdf. To the best of my knowledge, the information I have supplied is true, correct and complete.

Please attach any supporting documents such as a divorce decree, parenting time orders, existing child support order or any payment records, if applicable.  Only one attachment is allowed.  Scan multiple documents as one and attach.

    Multiple files can be uploaded by holding down Shift or Ctrl while selecting.