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Important Information For Parents About Medical Benefits and CS Services

After you are approved for medical benefits, you will receive a letter from the Division of Child Support Services offering you the opportunity to receive child support services. If you are interested, you must complete and return the questionnaire that comes with the letter. We encourage you to complete and return the questionnaire, so we may assist you in obtaining the child support that your child(ren) deserve.

If you are receiving medical benefits but did not receive the letter regarding child support services and you want our help, call the Child Support Customer Service Call Center at 1-800-447-4278 to start/restart a case with us.

What can I do to help the Division of Child Support Services?

You help by:

  • Completing and returning all forms that the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) has asked you to return. You must complete the forms to the best of your ability, filling out as much information as you know.

  • You must return forms within the given time frame.

  • Showing up for appointment(s) with the DCSS or legal representative. If you are unable to attend the appointment, please call the DCSS or your legal representative to reschedule.

  • Showing up for court hearings. If you are unable to attend the court hearing, you must call the legal representative indicated on your notice. There is no guarantee the court will continue the case and you may have to appear for another interview to reestablish your case(s).

  • Appearing for genetic testing with your child(ren), if needed.

What if I don’t have the information that is asked for on the forms?

You can mark that you don’t know the information asked for on the forms, but please return the forms with as much information as you know by the date given on the form.

When child support payments are received, will the money be sent to me?

As long as you receive medical benefits from the department, you will receive your child support payments. However, if you receive a medical card and your support order states that the non-custodial parent must pay cash instead of supplying health insurance, the department will keep that cash portion to reimburse the state for your child(ren)'s medical benefits.

Will I have to pay for the child support services?

No, all child support services are Free.

Who do I call if I have questions about the Child Support Services program?

Call the Child Support Customer Service Call Center at 1-800-447-4278.

What are the benefits of working with the Division of Child Support Services (DCSS)?

  • The department tries to get financial support from the parent not living with your child, which will increase the amount of money you have available to meet the needs of your child(ren).

  • If paternity has not yet been established for your child, DCSS will help you with the process. A support order cannot be established until paternity has been established.

  • Establishing paternity is beneficial for your child, as he or she may need family medical histories from both parents to have a healthy future.

  • Establishing paternity is also important so your child can claim Social Security benefits, pension benefits, veteran’s benefits, life insurance and inheritance.

  • If you complete and return the form you receive from Child Support, you may not need to come into a child support office for an interview.

  • Child support services will not interfere with your eligibility for medical benefits unless you refuse to provide requested information.

What happens if I refuse to provide information requested by DCSS?

Your medical benefits may be taken away from you. To get your medical benefits back, you will have to provide the information requested by DCSS. Your children will continue to receive their medical benefits.


HFS 3578 R-8-11