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ICG Claims for FY16

HFS System Issue:

ICG claims for FY’16 dates of service are rejecting with the C17/Illogical Place of Service and C33/Procedure Illogical for Role error codes.  Additionally, please note ICG claims for FY’17 dates of service will reject if billed at this time.


Coding and system modifications are necessary to transition administration of the ICG-R and ICG-C programs from DHS to HFS.  These modifications are not yet complete, causing claims to reject in error.   

Providers Impacted:

ICG providers

Procedure Codes Impacted:


Problem Begin Date:

July 2016

Problem Fix Date:


Resolution for Impacted Claims:

Providers must resubmit all ICG claims that previously rejected due to the delay in coding and system modifications.  Providers may request time overrides, if required, by contacting a community mental health billing consultant at 877-782-5565.  Claim resubmissions will be eligible for a time override through August 5, 2017 if the claims previously rejected due to this programming implementation delay.