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Preferred Drug List Process

Upon determination of classes to be reviewed, the department announces the review to the affected manufacturers by E-mail, based on the department’s official Manufacturer Contact List, and posts an announcement on the department’s Web site. The department establishes a review schedule and will announce a due date for offers when the class announcement is made. During the review period, the department’s clinical contractor reviews clinical factors and presents a clinical review to the department. That clinical review is then presented to the Drugs and Therapeutics Advisory Board for their review and recommendations. After the Drugs and Therapeutics Advisory Board makes their recommendations, the department reviews the D&T Board’s recommendations, the clinical review and the financial analysis to make final decisions for the Preferred Drug List. The department then announces the Preferred Drug List decisions.

To request the Illinois Medical Assistance Supplemental Rebate Offer Form be sent to you to be completed, please submit an e-mail to request Pharmacy Rebate Offer Form or download the Illinois Medical Assistance Supplemental Rebate Offer Form below.

You may register to receive E-mail notification, when a new Preferred Drug List is posted to the Website, by completing the form for for Preferred Drug List E-mail Notification Request.

Inquiries regarding the PDL should be sent via e-mail to Pharmacy.