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Drugs and Therapeutics Advisory Board Agenda Request

The department makes prior approval and Preferred Drug List (PDL) decisions in consultation with the Drugs and Therapeutics Advisory Board (D and T Advisory Board). The D and T Advisory Board is comprised of practicing clinicians representing various specialties who actively participate in the Illinois Medicaid Program. The Advisory Board makes recommendations based upon evidence-based clinical factors including safety, effectiveness, and outcomes.

At its meetings, the D and T Advisory Board 1) reviews new pharmaceutical products and makes prior approval recommendations; 2) considers manufacturer appeals of previous prior approval and PDL recommendations; and 3) reviews the department’s recommendations for PDL classes under review

D and T Advisory Board Members

  • Janet R. Albers, M.D.
  • Paul M. Berkowitz, M.D., F.A.C.L.P., F.A.P.A.
  • Nicole Florence, M.D.
  • Arvind Goyal, M.D., Medical Director, HFS
  • Garry Moreland, R.Ph.
  • Mahesh C. Patel, M.D.
  • Maurice M. Shaw, Pharm.D.
  • Steven R. Sproat, R.Ph.
  • Pamela Vergara-Rodriguez, M.D

D and T Advisory Board Meeting Schedule

D and T Meeting Agenda

D and T Advisory Board Agenda and Minutes

D and T Meeting Results

Archived D and T Agendas

New Products

New pharmaceutical products will require prior approval upon entry into the market. To request that the Drugs and Therapeutics Advisory Board review a new product, manufacturers should complete the D and T Advisory Board Agenda Request Form. At the time the manufacturer requests review, they may also submit an offer of supplemental rebates to the Department by completing and submitting the offer form. Instructions for submission of the offer form are included within the offer form.


Manufacturers wishing to appeal a decision on the status of their products with respect to prior approval or preferred drug list should complete the D and T Advisory Board Agenda Request Form. At the time the manufacturer requests the appeal, they may also submit an offer of supplemental rebates to the Department by completing and submitting the offer form. Instructions for submission of the offer form are included within the offer form. 

Instructions for Submission of Clinical Information

Manufacturers whose products are being reviewed may submit clinical information to the Drugs and Therapeutics (D and T) Advisory Board and the Department. Manufacturers should submit a concise synopsis of their product.  This synopsis should be no more than four pages in length.  The Advisory Board is particularly interested in information that sets a drug apart from other drugs in its class or PDL category.  The Advisory Board is not interested in materials intended to market a product.  For information on the process for submitting clinical information to the D and T Advisory Board, manufacturers should contact the D&T Advisory Board Liaison. Clinical information may also be submitted to the department’s D&T Advisory Board Liaison at:

D&T Advisory Board
Attn: Board Liaison
607 East Adams Street, 4th Floor
Springfield, IL 62701