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Drugs and Therapeutics (D & T) Committee Drugs Under Review for: September 24, 2008

Drug Name Review Type Class Manufacturer
Patanase New Drug Initial Review Nasal Preparations � Other Alcon
Requip XL New Drug Initial Review Antiparkinson Agents GlaxoSmithKline
Bystolic New Drug Initial Review Beta Blocker Forest
Evamist New Drug Initial Review Hormone Replacement Therapy Ther-Rx
Zamicet New Drug Initial Review Narcotics Hawthorne
Treximet New Drug Appeal Triptans � Combination GlaxoSmithKline
Cimzia New Drug Appeal Biologic Response Modifiers UCB
Suprax Susp PDL Appeal Antibiotics � Cephalosporins Lupin
Symbicort PDL Appeal Inhaled Steroids AstraZeneca
Baraclude PDL Appeal Hepatitis B Agents Bristol-Myers Squibb
Vytorin PDL Appeal Statin Combination Merck Schering Plough