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Drugs and Therapeutics (D & T) Committee Meeting Results for: March 19, 2014 (revised April 7, 2014)

Drug Name Review Type Committee Recommendation Prior Approval Status � Final Determination
Sovaldi New Drug Initial Review Require Prior Approval Prior Approval Required
Otrexup New Drug Initial Review Require Prior Approval Prior Approval Required
Brintellix New Drug Initial Review Require Prior Approval Prior Approval Required
Olysio New Drug Initial Review Require Prior Approval Prior Approval Required
Natroba New Drug Appeal Require Prior Approval Prior Approval Required
Quillivant XR New Drug Appeal Remove Prior Approval Requirement Prior Approval Required
Linzess New Drug Appeal Remove Prior Approval Requirement Prior Approval Required
TOBI Podhaler New Drug Appeal Remove Prior Approval Requirement Prior Approval Required
Abilify Maintena PDL Appeal Add to Preferred Status Preferred and Require Prior Approval
Onglyza PDL Appeal Require Prior Approval Prior Approval Required