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Provider Notice Issued 01/19/2022

Date:    January 19, 2022

To:       Provider Notice for Ambulatory/Community Providers: Primary Care Providers, Physicians, Advanced Practice Nurses, Physician's Assistants, Federally Qualified Health Centers, Rural Health Centers, Substance use Disorder Providers, School-Based/Linked Health Centers, Encounter Rate Clinics, Community Mental Health Centers, Behavioral Health Clinics, Community Mental Health Providers, and Other Providers Engaged in Care Coordination for Medicaid Customers

Re:      HealthChoice Illinois ADT Participation


This notice provides guidance to ambulatory/community providers regarding the implementation of HealthChoice Illinois ADT, HFS' statewide technology platform to facilitate transmission of HL7 formatted messages from hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and other institutions and notify ambulatory/community providers of patient admissions, discharges and transfers (ADT) to improve care coordination and quality.

The functionality of this technology platform supports Illinois' 2021-24 Comprehensive Medical Programs Quality Strategy.

HFS will host an updated online demonstration of the technology platform for providers engaged in care coordination. Interested providers are encouraged to attend.

Monday, January 24, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Central

The 2021 webinar demo of the system and slide deck overview for ambulatory and community providers can be accessed here: (scroll down to "Ambulatory and Community Providers HealthChoice Illinois ADT Demo 06/24/2021)

Illinois providers enrolled in the IMPACT system and engaged in care coordination services for Medicaid customers are now eligible to subscribe to HealthChoice Illinois ADT to receive ADT notifications for their patients.

Interested providers can begin the subscription process by completing a short survey. Please access the survey at:  Providers are encouraged to complete the survey by Friday, February 11, 2022. Onboarding packages will be sent to those providers who complete the survey.

Questions regarding participation in HealthChoice Illinois ADT should be directed to:

Detailed information regarding the HealthChoice Illinois ADT initiative is available at

Kelly Cunningham, Administrator
Division of Medical Programs