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Provider Notice Issued 04/12/2021

Date:   ​April 12, 2021



To:       Physicians, Nurses, Podiatrists, Audiologists, Dentists, Speech Therapists,Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Behavioral Health Clinics,Birthing Centers, Long Term Care Providers, Hospitals, Federal Qualified HealthClinics, Encounter Rate Clinics, Rural Health Clinics, Ambulatory SurgicalTreatment Centers, Transportation Providers, Hospice, Laboratory, EarlyIntervention Services, Community Mental Health Providers, School Based HealthServices, Supportive Living Facilities, Waivers


Re:      HFS CARES Program Reporting Deadline FinalReminder 





Thisprovider notice is issued to alert subrecipients of the Illinois Department ofHealthcare and Family Services (HFS) CARES Program supported by the CARES ActDepartment of Treasury Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) that the reportingdeadline is nearly here. 


Asstated in our previous provider notice dated March11, 2021, subrecipients have until Friday, April 16, 2021 to submit the finalreporting template and the supporting documentation. Subrecipients are requiredto submit final reporting to the Department in accordance with the subawardagreement, per Section III.G – Reporting.


Failureto submit final reporting may result in non-compliance with the terms andconditions of the subaward agreement. Such non-compliance may result in the Departmenttaking one or more of the actions described in 2 CFR200.339, including the potential recoupment of allfunds received by the subrecipient.


Post-awardreporting will occur through the HFS CARES Portal.Additional details on the submission of your final report, the final reportingtemplate and the template for the required cover letter can be found at thelinks below:

  • HFS will be posting additional resources on the HFS dedicated CARES payment page which can be found here:
  •  Subrecipients have also received anotification email from the HFS CARES Portal with further instructions andlinks to the final reporting template




Call-inassistance is available from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday at


866-385-0600.Call center support is available in English and Spanish. Providers may alsosend questions regarding the CARES payments via email to








KellyCunningham, Administrator


Divisionof Medical Programs​