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List of BEP Vendor Services and Products Utilized or Planned for Use by Manage Care Entities (MCEs) Operating Coordinated Care Networks

Below is a listing of products and services that are most needed by Manage Care Entities (MCEs) awarded HFS Coordinated Care contracts to operate healthcare provider networks for Medicaid clients in Illinois. Please note that areas of planned purchases of Accountable Care Entities (ACEs) will be added to the listing after their BEP Utilization Plans are submitted as part of their proposals which are due January 3, 2014. Also included are the collective totals of the dollar value of such purchases


Actuarial Services


Appliances - Provide & Install


Behavioral Health

Business Process Reengineering and Change Management

Call Center

Care Management

Case Management

Catering Services - Employee Events


Communication Access Realtime Translation Reporting

Communication Material - Design


Computer Hardware, Software and Office Equipments - Supply and Maintenance

Consulting Services

Crisis Line

Data Entry Services

Design Champaign to Communicate Externally (Involving Media & Community Information)

Drugs and Pharmaceuticals

Durable Medical Equipments

Enterprise Content Management and back file doc conversion

Graphic Design

Health Disparity Studies Designed to Create Community Wellness Classes

Health Risk Assessments

Help Desk

High Risk Homebound Case Management; Health Risk, Long Term Care Case Assessments

Home Health Care Services - Skilled Nursing, Physical Therapy, etc.

Incontinence & Diabetic Supplies

Information Technology (IT)

Interpretation Services - In Person & Telephone

Legacy System Data Conversion, Integration and interface

Legal Services

Mailing Services

Marketing & Promotional Services

Marketing Design

Marketing Research - Community Based

Member Services (Administrative Support)

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Coordination and Related Administrative Services

Newsletters Fulfillment

Office Space Planning, Architecture, Build out, Flooring & Furniture


Outreach - Community

Outreach - Multi-Cultural Health & Wellness

Outreach - Provider Recruitment

Printing - Member, Provider and Promotional Material, Provider Directory, Welcome & Benefit Packets

Printing Services - Specialty Items (Give Away's)

Programming Services

Public Education

Quality & Utilization Management

Recruiting & Staffing Services - Clerical, Temporary Staff

Recruiting & Staffing Services - Professional & Management Staff

Shredding Documents

Social Services

Staff Training, Training Material and Curriculum Development for Staff Orientation

Supplies - Janitorial

Supplies - Medical

Supplies - Office

Supplies - Promotional (Give-away items)

Supplies - Vending Machines

Technical Field Support


Testing (Laboratory)

Translation Services - Material

Transportation - Medical / Emergency

Transportation - Non Emergency

Vision Care & Related Services

Wellness and Prevention Programming