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  • Medicaid Provider Alert: Provider revalidation has begun and those not completing the process risk disenrollment.  Check your account now to learn when your revalidation is due. More information here.

ABE Provider Portal Registration

Request for Primary Agency Security Administrator Approval

Each​ Agency must identify at least one employee who will act as the Primary Agency Security Administrator (ASA) for the ABE Partner Portal. Only the PRIMARY ASA completes this registration and request for Approval.

  • To be​ approved as the Primary ASA, users must first create an account at Account creation requires entry of your agency or organization’s Medicaid Provider ID Number.

  • Contr​actors may not be the Primary ASA for organizations, however orgnizationa personnel can assign staff at contractor agency as secondary ASAs (up to 4 additional staff can be designated as ASAs).

  • The Primary ASA is responsible for accessing granting, tracking, and record keeping for their organization and should be able to produce records upon request by HFS.

  • ​If you wish to be approved as the Primary ASA for multiple hospitals or agencies, you must complete 1 registration for each organization.

  • ​​After the designated Primary ASA submits this registration, the submitted information will be reviewed by HFS Business Office Personnel and once approved, passed to the HFS Global Security Administrator to grant system access to the ABE Partner Portal.

  • The requestor acknowledges that, prior to leaving an agency they are required to submit a request to remove their account and add a replacement BEFORE they leave.

  • If you have any questions or problems submitting the form, please contact​  

*indicates required field

ABE Provider Portal Registration/Request Details/Follow-up Information

Complete all data fields, incomplete entries will not be approved.

Provider/Organization Information

Information provided must be exact match to information used to obtain ABE User ID.