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Veterans Care Brochure

I​f you are a veteran but you do not qualify for federal Veterans Healthcare Insurance, you may qualify for Illinois Veterans Care health insurance.

Illinois Veterans Care

Veterans Care is a new program created to provide comprehensive and affordable healthcare coverage to uninsured Illinois veterans.

Who can get Veterans Care?

You may qualify for Veterans Care if you meet all of the following:

  • You are a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces with 180 consecutive days of active duty following initial training.

  • You have not been dishonorably discharged from military service.

  • You are a resident of Illinois.

  • You are 19 through 64 years old.

  • For at least the last six months, you have not had health insurance that covered physician and hospital care. However, you may still be eligible if your only insurance coverage in the last six months:

    • Ended due to the loss of your employment or your spouse's employment

    • Ended due to the loss of FamilyCare or other state medical assistance

    • Ended due to the life-time benefit limit in your coverage

    • Is through a spouse's plan that you are unable to access

    • Is purchased through COBRA, or

    • Is through post active-duty TriCare coverage

  • You do not qualify for federal VA healthcare.

  • You do not qualify for other Illinois healthcare programs.

  • Your income meets the Veterans Care income limit for your county. See the chart.

The income limit for Veterans Care varies depending on the county where you live. The chart below shows a sample of limits for single veterans and veterans with four people in their families.

Veterans Care Gross Monthly Income Guidelines

What services does Veterans Care cover?

Veterans Care covers doctor and clinic visits, hospital inpatient and outpatient care, lab tests, X-rays, prescription drugs, vision care, limited dental, physical, occupational and speech therapy, mental health and substance abuse services and emergency medical transportation to name a few!

Veterans Care does not cover nursing home stays or transportation for medical care that is not for an emergency.

How much will Veterans Care cost?

Veterans Care is affordable healthcare. You will have a monthly premium of $40 or $70 per month.

You will also pay part of the cost of each medical service you get. These payments are called co-payments. Your responsibility to pay co-payments begins when your Veterans Care coverage starts. Co-pays are shown below.

  • Doctor Visit $15

  • Dentist Visit $15

  • Inpatient Hospital Stay $150

  • Outpatient Hospital Service 10%

  • Emergency Room Visit $50

  • Generic Prescription $6

  • Brand Name Prescription $14

Can I go to any doctor with Veterans Care?

Veterans Care is part of Illinois Health Connect. That's a special program that links patients with doctors and clinics. With Veterans Care and Illinois Health Connect, you will choose a primary doctor or clinic that will coordinate all of your medical care.

That doctor or clinic will become your medical home for healthcare. If you need to, you can change your primary doctor or clinic as often as once a month.

Which state agency runs Veterans Care?

IDVA (the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs) and HFS (Illinois Healthcare and Family Services) work together to manage Veterans Care.

IDVA will help you to decide which healthcare program, state or federal, you probably qualify for. IDVA will help you complete your application and assist you to get other veterans benefits if you qualify.

HFS will review your Veterans Care application. If you qualify, HFS will send you a medical card every month. The medical providers who care for you will bill HFS for the cost of your care that remains after your co-payment.

How do I apply?

Veterans can apply for Veterans Care by contacting IDVA. To find an office near you, call one of the numbers listed below or visit our Web site.

Call 1-877-4VETSRX (877-483-8779) from within Illinois. The call is free.

Call 1-877-204-1012 TTY. This call is also free.

What happens after I apply?

IDVA and HFS will review your application. HFS will send you a letter to tell you if you qualify. HFS will also send you a billing statement each month to tell you how much you owe and how you can pay it.