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  • Medicaid Provider Alert: Provider revalidation has begun and those not completing the process risk disenrollment.  Check your account now to learn when your revalidation is due. More information here.


What is FamilyCare?

FamilyCare offers healthcare coverage to parents living with their children 18 years old or younger. FamilyCare also covers relatives who are caring for children in place of their parents.

What health services does FamilyCare cover?

Like All Kids, FamilyCare covers doctor visits, specialty medical services, hospital care, emergency services, prescription drugs and more.

Who can get FamilyCare?

Parents can get FamilyCare if they live in Illinois and meet the FamilyCare income limits. They must be U.S. citizens or meet immigration requirements. All Kids or FamilyCare health benefits will not affect your immigration status unless you receive services in a nursing home or mental health facility.

How to Apply

  1. Parents and caretaker relatives whose children currently receive medical benefits should contact the Department of Human Services (DHS) Local Office or an All Kids Application Agent.
  2. Parents and caretaker relatives can apply for medical benefits online or download and complete the All Kids/FamilyCare application and mail it to the central All Kids Unit. They can also apply through a local All Kids Application Agent or a Department of Human Services (DHS) Local Office.

How much income can a parent have?

Parents can have income up to the amounts shown in the income guideline chart. Check the income limit for the size of your family.

Monthly Income Standards

Find the size of your family in the first column. Be sure to count yourself. The income limit for each family size is in the second column.

Parents & Caretaker Relatives

Monthly Income Guideline Chart

Up to $1,436
Up to $1,945
Up to $2,453
Up to $2,961
Up to $3,470
Up to $3,978
​7 ​Up to $4,486
​8 ​Up to $4,994
For each additional person add

What does FamilyCare cost?

There are small co-pays, from $2 to $3.90, for doctor visits, prescriptions, and using the emergency room when there is not an emergency.

Cost Sharing


Monthly premiums


Medical visits

$3.90 per visit


$2 for generics

$3.90 for brand drug

Emergency room use in non-emergencies


Inpatient hospitalization

Up to $3.90 per day

Maximum family cost per year


 FamilyCare Hotline 1-866-ALL-KIDS (1-866-255-5437)

TTY: 1-877-204-1012