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  • Medicaid Provider Alert: Provider revalidation has begun and those not completing the process risk disenrollment.  Check your account now to learn when your revalidation is due. More information here.

Affordable Care Act

Illinois Healthcare Reform under the Affordable Care Act

As part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), uninsured Illinoisans have new options for health coverage either through the state’s Medicaid program or through the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace (the Marketplace). These options make it more affordable to get health coverage and meet the federal requirement that all individuals have health coverage starting in 2014.

GetCoveredIllinois The Official Health Marketplace

Helpful Information for Filing Taxes

Important Updates on 1095-B Forms for 2021: Because the federal government no longer requires individuals to have minimum essential health coverage, Illinois is not mailing 1095-Bs for the 2020 tax year to each household. HFS can mail 1095-B forms to customers upon request. A reminder that the 1095 -B form is NOT needed to file taxes and does NOT  go to the IRS. It is for informational purposed only. There are no tax penalties for being uninsured.

This guide contains answers to common 1095-B questions and instructions on where clients can go to request a correction or copy of their 1095-B form. It also contains external resources for more complicated questions. A sample form along with information about its contents is included at the end of the guide.​

ALERT: IRS Alerts Consumers to the Insurance Penalty Tax Scam

The Internal Revenue Service is warning consumers about tax scams involving the Affordable Care Act and penalties imposed under the law on people who go without health insurance. In some cases, the agency said, unscrupulous tax preparers tell clients to pay the penalties directly to them, and they keep the money. Most people do not owe the payment at all. “However,” the I.R.S. said, “if you owe a payment, remember that it should be made only with your tax return or in response to a letter from the I.R.S. The payment should never be made directly to an individual or return preparer.”   Refer to the IRS website if you get a letter in the mail from the IRS.

For more information on applying for health coverage in Illinois, or to make an appointment for in-person help on any issues related to health coverage in Illinois, call the Get Covered Illinois (GCI) Helpdesk at 1-866-311-1119 or, visit

Affordable Care Act Enrollment Data

Monthly data on the number of clients who enrolled in Illinois Medicaid as a result of the ACA eligibility expansion.

Illinois Expands Medicaid

Now, thanks to the ACA and IL Public Act 98-104 (pdf), more adults are eligible for Medicaid in Illinois and the public is able to apply for Medicaid through a new, online application called the Application for Benefits Eligibility (ABE).

Today, all Illinois residents between 19 and 64 years of age, who are U.S. citizens or who have legal status, and who have monthly income less than $1,366 for an individual or $1,845 for a couple, are eligible for Medicaid through the “ACA Adult” category. This means Illinois Medicaid now provides health coverage for low income individuals who are seniors, persons with disabilities, parents/caretakers of dependent children, “ACA adults,” pregnant women and children (under the All Kids program).

ABE – Application for Benefits Eligibility

Illinois now has a  multi-benefit, web-based application system known as the Application for Benefits Eligibility (ABE). Through ABE, applicants can apply online for Medicaid, SNAP and Cash Assistance. ABE replaced the DHS web application and the All Kids Online Application. HFS has developed a Guide as an introduction to the new web portal. For community partners, including Illinois Assisters, there is a separate Guide that has the basic information on completing an application as well as instructions on how to register in ABE as a community partner.

Healthcare Reform Implementation Efforts in Illinois

Alert Regarding Health Insurance Marketplace Precautions

Illinois Health Insurance Marketplace

For those who are uninsured and do not qualify for Medicaid, the Illinois Health Insurance Marketplace (The Marketplace) is an online shopping website where you can compare health insurance plans side-by-side, and receive financial help from the government to help pay insurance costs. The next Open Enrollment Period for the Marketplace will be November 15, 2014 – February 15, 2015. After that date, only people who qualify for a Special Enrollment Period will be able to buy coverage. To see if you qualify to buy coverage on the Marketplace, or to find out more about the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace in Illinois, go to

To learn more about the Affordable Care Act and the Health Insurance Marketplace, check out the following:

Long Term Care